Chapter 14

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Draco woke up to Hades's place next to him. He started to panic and looked everywhere in the dorms, he wasn't there. And when the Slytherins knew, they started panicking as well. They looked everywhere before the second task. Even when the task started they didn't stop and Draco was close to going on his bloody rampage. The only thing stopping him was the hope of finding Hades which till now they had no luck with. He heard cheers and thought that maybe one of the champions had won but he couldn't care less if it didn't have something to do with Hades.

"Draco you have to come quickly." Pansy ran to him trying to drag him to the lake.


"It's Hades." That's all it took for Draco to run to the lake when he got there he found something that had his blood boiling. Hades was there freezing even though there were some towels but of course, that isn't enough to warm someone.

"Get away from me!! Don't you dare touch me!!" Hades was shouting at Krum who was trying to talk to Hades.

"Hades!!" Hades's head shot up and looked around frantically and his eyes met Draco's.

"Draco!!" He was too cold to move but he didn't have to as Draco was by his side in the blink of an eye. He was instantly picked up.

"Wait. Draco I want a word with the Headmaster." Draco didn't like the idea but took him in front of the Headmaster who was trying to keep his face neutral but his eyes gave him away. He was afraid just as he should be.

"You dare to stun and kidnap me then use me for your stupid tournament and then have the nerve to think you will get out of this untouched." Hades's voice was dangerously calm and everyone who heard were backing away in fear.

"Now, now my gir-" He tried to speak but was interrupted.

"I am not your girl. You don't have the right to call me anything except Ms.Snape." He said his eyes narrowing.

"I know what you feel but we had to take someone precious to every champion and you were the one for Viktor Krum so you can't say we have done something illegal," Dumbledore said with a slight smirk but it faded when Hades smirked.

"Let's see if the Elders of the Council of Snakes, Phoenix and Veela say the same thing." He said smirking as Dumbledore paled.

"Ms.Snape there is no need to get the Council for this small matter." He said trying to change Hades's mind on bringing the Council into this.

"Too late, old man. They are already on their way. Actually, I think they should be here in 1..2..3." There was a sound of apparation and nine Elders stood there looking furious.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" One of the Elders from the Council of snakes said.

"Elders, please. Ther is no need to make this matter more than it is." He said trying to calm them but that didn't help not one bit.

"This is no minor problem, Albus. You practically kidnapped a submissive snake/phoenix and that's a crime in the law book of creatures. And then there is the problem that if the dominant didn't find his submissive he would have gone a rampage that could have caused multiple deaths and even more injured. Furthermore, you knew they were creatures and still proceeded to kidnap Hades you would have gotten away if you didn't know but we have been informed that you had known since the start of the year." This time it was an Elder from the Veela council. Hades smirked at the pale Headmaster. His mother next to him had a hand over his mouth to cover his smile.

"And there's still more you will have to follow us to the ministry to review them." They gestured for Dumbledore to follow them and the Headmaster reluctantly stood up.

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