Chapter 12

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Hades blinked his eyes open. He slowly stood up and looked at the time, they still had a few minutes before classes start so he decided to take a quick shower. He went inside stripped but then the door opened and he quickly tried to hide with his clothes. He looked and glared at the person and it was none other than Viktor Krum. He just stood there blushing and Hades got irritated.

"GET OUT PERVERT!!!" He boomed and threw the shampoo, soap and practically anything that was in hands reach until he went out. He sighed his mood for the shower changed and put on his school robes and he heard a crash.

He ran out and looked at what was happening. Draco was on top of Krum who was on the floor shaking. Hades sighed looks like Draco saw what happened.

"Draco get off of him," he said walking over and getting Draco off of the seeker. Draco who wanted to teach the seeker a lesson pulled away when Hades asked him, too.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Draco told him and he quickly scurried off onto his bed.

"Draco go change and we can go I believe they are all waiting for us." Draco took his robes and went to the bathroom to change and Hades looked back at the scared Krum with a glare.

"That's what happens when you provoke him. You were lucky I pulled him off or the next second your head wouldn't be attached to your body." He said and was delighted to see Krum shake in fear and touched his neck.

Draco got out of the bathroom and Hades kissed him on the cheek. Draco was still angry and he was completely red.

"Come on. Being red doesn't suit you only if it's blushing for me." he snickered and Draco looked back at him and his face softened.

"Let's go." He said taking Draco's hand and leading him ou the door.

When they got to the common room as Hades had said all the Slytherins were waiting for them. They looked worried since Their King and Queen were never late. But one smile from Hades and a nod from Draco eased their worries even if it was a little. While Hades was tackled by Pansy and the others Draco went and told the Slytherins why they were late and to never let Krum even a foot near Hades. All of them were furious and when Krum stepped into the common room they all circled around Hades. Hades looked at this odd behavior but decided to let it be.

 They went out of the common room when they got near The Great Hall they heard shouting and yelling Hades turned round and he saw the Weasel and Granger bullying on of the third years. The Slytherins made way for Hades who went over with Draco not long after he went.

"You're a filthy snake. I wonder how your parents aren't disappointed at having you as a child." Hades looked at the Weasel with disgust. How could anyone say something so cruel?

"That's saying something considering how your parents aren't disappointed at how filthy you are. If it were me I would have thrown you the moment you were born." Hades spat going over to the Slytherin third year and helping him up since he was on the ground.

"You shut up, slut." He said and this time Draco came in front of him.

"I dare you to say it again." He said and the Weasel tried not to shake from fear.

"It's true she is a fucking slut." He said and Draco almost lunged at him if not for a few Slytherins caught him since Hades couldn't. The Weasel pulled out his wand and all the Slytherins did, too. He was pointing it at Hades. Hades went in front of the third year to block him from any harm if something happened.

"Put your wand down or you will see the consequences." One Slytherin prefect said but he didn't make a movement indicating he was putting his wand down.

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