Chapter 7

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Hades's eyes fluttered open and was met with the face of his beloved mate. And like every morning he asked himself 'How did he get so lucky' before only two months he was in a living hell and now it was a living heaven, he found out he had a real family, a mother and father that loved him unconditionally and a beautiful mate.

"What are you thinking of, babe?" he looked at Draco and couldn't help smiling.

"About how lucky I am." he was about to stand up but Draco pushed him down on the bed.

"We still have time why don't you stay in bed?" 

"I wanna shower, after yesterday I think I really need it"

Then he heard someone talk 'Yeah you surely need it, believe me.' Hades yelped and looked around but there was no one else there except Draco.

"Who's there?"

"Hades are you okay? There is no one else in here except me and you."

'Well to an extent he is right. I'm in your head. I'm your snake and phoenix combined.'

"What? Then why didn't you talk before?" 

'Because your inheritance was blocked we couldn't combine, but now we did so we can talk to you.'

"Hades why are you talking to yourself?"

'Foolish boy.'

"Hey, don't call him that. Draco there is a voice in my head that claims to be my snake and phoenix and i'm talking to him."

"A voice?"

"Yeah, he said that because my inheritance was blocked, they couldn't combine but now that they did, they can talk to me.

'Smart boy.'

"Thank you, I guess."

'You know you can talk to me without using your sound that's why it's an advantage, you can talk to me through your mind and no one would know what we are talking about or if we really are talking.'

'Like this.'


He heard a growl and looked at Draco, he was growling at the voice in Hades's head it seems. He surely has a possessive mate and a jealous one at that.

"Don't growl I'm only talking to him. It's not like he gets to kiss me or sleep with me or touch me, those are all reserved for you."

After he said that Draco stopped growling and then they heard a knock on the door and his mother came in.

"Boys, if you are up, you should shower and get changed we'll leave a little while later."

"Mother I have this voice in my head. is that normal?"

'It is as you can see I am talking to you'

'You shut up.'

"Oh, it finally happened, it's completely normal, You being a dark phoenix, gives you a sort of guardian in your head, it will watch over you and tell you what is the wisest choice but you shouldn't depend only on it or one day it will leave you and you can't do anything, there were some cases that happened to be when a person depended to much on it's guardian that when it left he was a lost cause when they told him if he wanted to go home or stay, he said he doesn't know and that he couldn't choose because his guardian wasn't with him."

'Hmm, looks like I was put in a house full of geniuses even our mate is better than an average boy.'

"He is better than all of them and who said he is 'ours' he is only mine." he accidentally blurted that out and he blushed beat red when he saw Draco smirk a knowing smirk and his mother joining him.

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