Chapter 3

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Hades was in the Riddle Manor, he looked around. Everything was either black, green, or silver not that he was complaining. It suited him just fine. His mother stopped in front of a double-door even bigger than that in Hogwarts and that was very big.

"My son your Father is alone right now, later the Death Eater meeting will start. We will hide you under a hood and you will still be a girl. We won't let anyone except the closest to us know who you are." his mother looked at him. Although he told him to conceal himself, he looked proud of him so that was all he needed. He nodded and his mother faced the doors again.

He stole one more glance at Draco before the door banged open and they went inside. What looked like a ballroom was enormous. It was empty except for the few vases that he could have sworn was Dark. Then he caught the throne in the far end of the ballroom. With no doubt that was his father, he looked in his mid-twenties and his crimson eyes burned with more fire than ever. They stepped in front of him. They bowed until their heads almost hit the stone floor. Father or not, husband or not, best friend or not, you will respect the Dark Lord.

Hades felt his Father's eyes on him but he did not lift his head. He will show his Father that he is a son to be proud of.

"Severus who is this young lady whom you've brought to me." Tom looked at him with suspicion. This girl looked very much like him and Severus.

"Father I do not mean to be rude by interrupting, but I believe I can give you a far better explanation than my mother can," he spoke Parseltongue and Tom's eyes widened. He looked at Severus. Although he didn't understand he nodded.

"Hades?" Tom looked disbelievingly at his husband then at the girl standing in front of him.

"Father I'm only wearing a girls dress I'm a boy." That's all it took for Tom to stand up and embrace his son.

The two Malfoy's looked at the family that had finally been reunited and were happy for them. But one of them was also jealous of someone else other than him touching the beautiful boy.

"Severus you know you have such bad timing. The Death Eater meeting is in a few moments and get my beautiful son changed. He won't be displaying his body for anyone except his mate." his father said, keeping a protective hand around his son.

"I know I have bad timing but your son was displaying his body before we got here. There is no need but I will cover him a bit more." his mother walked over and snatched the hand off of his son, put it in his own and smirked.

"I've already bought him a full wardrobe. Draco can take him to his room upstairs and he can get changed, so we can announce something urgent." his mother smirked the evilest smile he has ever seen. He flushed a light pink that looked red against his pale skin.

"Mother!!" he shouted, embarrassed. He couldn't help looking at the blonde to see he was just as embarrassed.

"Ugh!! Come on Draco let's get out of here before we get infected any further." He took the blonde's hand and rushed him out the door. When they were safely out of there he looked behind him.

"I don't know the place so you have to lead from here on." he didn't look him in the eye but the blonde started leading the way without letting his hand go.

"Remember where we are going. You can't be needing me to bring you here every time, only if you want to." he looked up this time to see the blonde smiling at him and his heart skipped a beat.

"I would like that." before he could think about it his mouth said the words that were meant to stay in his head.

"Then I could never refuse." he was relieved this didn't get awkward, he didn't want to have that with the blonde.

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