Chapter 20

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"Oh Salazar, are you serious I'm going to be an auntie?" Pansy squealed and he laughed.

"You finally got knocked up?" He smacked Theo's shoulder.

"Congratulations!" Goyle said with a smile with Crabbe nodding.

"How long?" Blaise asked.

"Two weeks." Answered Draco. Hades ate his ice cream and all of them -minus Draco- looked at him weirdly.

"Don't ask," Draco said and he glared at them.

"Will you still be coming to school, Hades?" They asked and he nodded.

"Of, course. Well, for only the four or five months before I will be made to take leave because of a possessive Veela." He said pointing at Draco and took another bite of the ice cream.

"Exactly." Was everyone's reply and he laughed.

"Now how about we catch up and you Hades are going to show us what you bought." They spent the rest of the day resting, talking or showing them all the clothes they bought.

\The morning before going to Durmstrang\

He was woken up with a kiss on the lips and he opened his eyes and looked at the mercury ones in front of him.

"Morning, love." He kissed him again as he laid his hand on his belly that had started showing a bump but it was hardly noticeable.

"Morning." He was mentally and physically exhausted every day so today was not an exception as he felt like he had no power in him at all. 

"Still tired?" Draco asked and he nodded.

"Want me to carry you?" He shook his head and slowly sat on the edge of the bed. He stood up but his feet felt like jelly and he sat back down.

"On second thought I don't mind you carrying me." Draco chuckled and went over to him and carried him out the door. Hades just buried his face in his neck and breathed in the scent of his mate. His mother had told Draco to be with him every second of his pregnancy as he needed the support of his mate more than others. He said that he won't actually care for their support and he must say that he has started being a little clingy.

"Draco, Hades I see you are up," Lucius said and they went into the dining room where everyone was.

"Who could stay asleep with a beauty in front of him father," Draco said making him blush. He sat down and his hand instantly went to the pickles and ice cream that was laid down especially for him. Wierd? Feel free to sod off. He finished a jar of pickles and a few bites of ice cream before he felt like throwing up and he ran for the nearest bathroom. 

"Yikes, he can't even enjoy food without having to throw it up a second later," Blaise said as Draco made his way to rub his back and calm him.

"That's it, release everything." He said as he threw up once again.

"I swear when they come..." He didn't finish as he threw up. When he was finally finished, they gave him water and he gratefully drank. 

"Come on. We'll change before flooing to the Headmaster's office." They may have used the privilege of the Headmaster being a Death Eater but hey it was convenient. They finished changing and their trunks had been taken to Durmstrang earlier on. Draco put a hand around his waist and they went through the floo.

"Ah, My Lords you're finally here. And even though it may late allow me to congratulate you on the hopefully soon arrivals." Hades turned a light pink before he smiled but then they turned serious.

"Headmaster, do I have your word that while we finish our education here, neither me, my mate or babies will be put in harm's way?" He asked and the Headmaster nodded.

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