Chapter 10

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He sighed heavily as he saw the red heads coming their way. He saw the twins, Charlie, Bill, Percy and Mr.Weasley smiling at him.

'Looks like the twins told them, except the women and the two youngest.' he heard Lucas say and he nodded. 

"Great, it's Malfoy and his slut." he heard Ron and before he could even blink Draco was holding him by the collar.

"Don't you dare. I can rip your throat out right now and no one can say anything." he gripped tighter and Hades went to him trying to calm him.

"You wouldn't! If you touch him I can easily send you to Azkaban." he heard Mrs.Weasley and couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's so funny!?" she shouted and he smirked.

"Well, Weasley if you had one brain cell you would know that Draco is a veela so if he attacks someone while defending his mate he won't be charged in fact the person who started it will be charged." he heard Lucius coming up behind him smirking at how red Mrs.Weasley's face was. 

"Babe, leave him he is not worth it." she went and held his hand that slowly let the red head go the scene was so cute reporters took over a thousand shots.

"Come, we have to finish shopping." he smiled and there was another line of shots. He slowly looked at the twins and they waved at him. He waved back.

Then he turned taking Draco with him and he went to stand next to his mother and father. He looked at them and they surely looked proud.

"Shall we?" he asked and they nodded turning away from Weasleys, who were shocked by being ignored at least three of them were, then Molly started shouting at Arthur and her other sons for not backing them up. They slowly went away and the reporters were still surrounding them but they still ignored them.

They finally went into the ingredient shop and sighed a sigh of relief until they went out they were safe. His mother started ordering the ingredients that he recognized what they were used for.....Heat Suppressants!! He couldn't help the slight blush that crept onto his cheeks. He knew exactly why his mother needed those suppressants for, it was for him when his heat would come he wouldn't control himself and would jump Draco if he came foot near him. Draco seeing Hades's cheeks knows immediately what he's thinking.

"Hmm, I don't think I will let you drink that potion. I would love to see you needy enough to beg me," he whispered seductively and send shivers down his spine that got him a slight glare from the smaller buy.

"Don't you dare start this here, cause you know the consequences," he said but not meaning it. Draco chuckled and held his hand.

"But why wouldn't he tell me about it, until last minute?" he said pointing to his mother.

"Because you would say that you can control yourself without the potion, he is making it so when it happens he can give it to you," Draco said and he knew he was right, he can be very stubborn but he thought why not accept it this time.

"Mother can I go look at some ingredients, please." He asked and his mother nodded so he started looking around and took out some ingredients like lizard's legs, crickets..etc.

When they finished, they went outside only to be smothered by reporters again. They all sighed heavily but this time they apparated back to Riddle Manor and Hades sighed in relief seeing his home.

Draco didn't waste any time and dragged Hades back to their room. Hades just giggled and once they were inside Draco locked the door and without warning crashed their lips together, Hades was surprised but kissed back they were fighting for dominance but Draco won in the end, his tongue roamed Hades's mouth. Then they stopped to catch their breath then Draco pecked his lips, he would nibble on his bottom lip then top lip and occasionally both. 

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