chapter 10

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“so how do I use my powers ?” this was getting frustrating, all the waiting. Anna had to think of some way out of this. Maybe learning how she could use her abilities would give her a chance.

Sebastian move behind her “ you have to have the right poacher first.” he moved her arms to her sides. “ stand straight.” Anna wanted to peal off her skin because Sebastian had touched it. “ now, focus on a place that you want to move to and let mind go, for your first time try the other side of the room” Anna did what he said she focused on the other side of the room and let her mind go, let go of her emotions, all her hate and anger. There was a swirl of black misted around her, it consumed her.  she was standing on the other side of the room, Anna's body felt like it had been turned inside out. She started to cough. “ that's the side effect it make you weak and sick but with practice it won't hurt.” after her coughing fit Anna said “ did you see the black misted?” “ yes only for a second, it  can only be seen  when it is taking you apart not when it moves you. That's the beauty of it” “ what else can I do ?” “ you are an excellent fighter and with your transport ability you can control the mist to protect you.” “ show me, show me how.”  power had consumed her. She didn't know what she was saying. Sebastian had heard what she had said. “ I've been waiting for you to say that.”

“ Anna where are you.” Mara  cried, she wanted for everything to go back to normal but most of all she wanted Anna to be with her. A shadow appeared in the far side of the cave.

“ learn to control your emotions and this won't happen.” Anna had ended up throwing herself across the room. These lessons with Sebastian did more harm than good. “ you try controlling your emotions when you a 17 year old girl and are learning about powers that you didn't have 12 hours ago.” this is hopeless Anna said to herself, I'm too tired to do this, Anna didn't realized that she said that out loud. “OK get some rest.”  Sebastian gave up too easily.

Anna managed to find her room. She knew that she was tired but not how much until her head hit the pillow.

It must have been midnight when Anna woke from a dream.

She was in a room with Sebastian, he didn't seem to notice her, “ is it done, is the girl in place ?” Sebastian was talking to Jackson. “ yes she is in the cave. What should we do about Anna. Won't she find out?”. “ let me deal with her. A few more days and she will not only remember everything I want her to but she will be on our side.” that's when Anna woke up. Who was the girl? Something clicked in her mind, Mara, but what did Sebastian mean by their side or remember everything? She was shore this was not a dream but a vision. She had to think of a way to defeat Sebastian and run with Mara. When the thought of run crossed Anna's mind her wrist burned , the pentagram, it was glowing.  “ ow.” in a second it had stopped. Anna needed to stop thinking about pentagrams and of how her plan was going to work. She couldn't run from Sebastian so she had to fight him, remember the last times she had fought with him made her head hurt but she couldn't fight him, the contract. Maybe there was a loophole in the contract or whatever it was called. She remembered back to what Sebastian had said

‘you said that you wouldn't try to get away or that you wouldn't punch me,’  so she couldn't get away or punch him. She couldn't punch him, it didn't mean that she couldn't fight him. She had found it , a loophole. Anna looked at the bedside table, the dagger gleamed. Her plan was complete. She got out of bed and got dressed. She needed a place to hide the dagger, she hope that there would be a sheath in the wardrobe. There was, for what reason Anna didn't know. She needed rest, without it she wouldn't be able to face Sebastian. Sleep came and went the rest of the night, with her waking from nightmares.

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