chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Morning came as quickly as blood would from a wound. At the end of  bed was a dress. It started black at the chest and went into a deep red at the feet. It's was a gorgeous one shoulder dress.  The dress was long enough to trail on the floor. The one strap it had was  jewelled slightly. The dress was breathtakingly beautiful. But why was it in her room?

She didn't have time. She needed to find Sebastian and end this. It was like Anna's thoughts had been heard because at that moment Sebastian walked through the door.  Literally walked through the unopened door. “ so you're awake and dressed.” Sebastian looked down at her “ and you haven't put the dress on.”

“ I don't do dresses that go past my ankles and look like something that would be worn when one is going to hell.” “well I'm sorry to say but you don't have a choice.” Anna hadn't expected this her whole plan was messed up. Where could she hide a dagger on this dress and still get to it?  She could put hide it under the dress somewhere but she wouldn't be able to get to it in time, maybe she could put it in her bra but she doubted that one it would fit and two that it would be clear that she had a 5 inch dagger stuffed in her underwear.

She needed to think of something fast, “ what's it for?” maybe if she got Sebastian to move to her she could stab him or throw the dagger at him.  “ it's time to open the door and you need to look the part.” Sebastian didn't move from where he was standing.  “ I still don't know how I'm suppose to open it.” Anna reached for the dagger under the covers. “ you'll know when we get there. Get changed, we don't have much time.” the dagger felt cool in her hand. she was ready to throw. She pulled her arm back  just  as Sebastian turned around.  The dagger flue throw the air at Sebastian,she didn't see him move as  he turned and court it. “ I should've know.”  she was now standing she had to make a run for it. Before she could flames licked around her. She screamed. she realised the flames weren't affecting her. “ to answer your question on how you open the door, this is how” Sebastian smiled not seeming to care about the fact that anna just tried to kill him. “ what? I don't understand.” was Anna doing this? “ yes, you are doing this.” “how do I stop it ?”

“ first you have to calm down and walk to me.” Anna did her best to calm down and walked to Sebastian, still the flames blazed around her. Her hand went to her neck, it was hot where the pendant touched her skin, Anna looked at it, it was glowing as red as the rose that was carved on it. Now that Anna thought about it, every time she used one of her powers the pendant seemed to get hot, she had never thought that it was because it was connect to her but as she stood there she released that it was. “ that pendant that you have, where did you get it I don't remember you wearing it?” Anna had kept it hidden from everyone but herself. “ I got it at the market.” Sebastian held it in his hand “ I never thought I would see it again, after you left.” whenever he spoke it seemed to make more questions that Anna wanted answers to. When Sebastian touched the pendant, the flames slowly faded until they were just a memory.

“ how come you are not affected by my powers?” “ only black magic and demon blades, like this one,” Sebastian held up Anna's dagger up. “ affect me.”. So Anna's power weren't black magic or demonic, at least she wasn't a devil like she had feared but Anna felt like he Sebastian wasn't telling her something, she had the feeling that her powers could be used against him.

“ what am I ?” it was the question that Anna had feared the most to ask, she was scared of the answer. “there is no word for what you are. I think that I need to show you  your past.” Sebastian walked to the door, Anna needed to be careful, she wanted to know about her past but she remembered what Sebastian said in her dream, ‘she will not only remember everything I want her to but she will be on our side.’ be careful Anna a voice said in the back of her head. She followed Sebastian out of the room.

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