chapter 13

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Anna thought that it was weird watching her and Sebastian smiling and being happy.

“close your eyes” Sebastian walked around Anna so he was facing her back and pulled something out of him pocket, a necklace, and attach it around Anna's neck. “ open.” Anna's past self looked down at her neck and held the necklace in her hand, high enough for Anna to see it. The necklace was the pendant. “ it's beautiful.” she turned and kissed Sebastian. If Anna had had something to eat then she probably would've thrown it up. “ no need to look so disgusted.” the actual Sebastian turned to her, Anna had forgotten that he was there.  She turned away looking back into her past.

For the next 30 minutes Anna watch their past selves, making a fire, talking and eating. The sun had just started to set when a wave of cold air put out the fire. “ what was that?” Sebastian bolted up and reached for his knife “ Anna, stay here.” “ where are you going?” Anna clung to his arm. “ in the wood, I heard something.” then he left for the woods.  Anna's past self didn't seem to like the fact that she was left alone, so she got up and followed Sebastian into the woods.  

“ what was that meant to show me? That we were in love? that doesn't change anything.” Anna  was so annoyed at Sebastian for showing her this, was he expecting her to be in love with him again?

“ it's not over yet.” Sebastian walked around the fallen tree they were sitting on

And went the same way their past lives had gone into the woods. “come on, I'm going to find it any minute.”  Anna decided not to argue and follow Sebastian.  He stopped in a smaller clearing, vines had grown over something in the center. Anna  was going to ask what it was but before she could, Sebastian walked through the trees and was in the clearing.  He moved towards the overgrown vines, Sebastian reached out and touched it, that when Anna walked into the clearing. “ Sebastian.” Anna was moving to him. “ what are you doing here? I told you to wait at camp.” Sebastian turned back to her, his face was not angry but full of concern. “ sorry, but you know what I'm like.”

“you could get hurt.” Anna's face showed anger “ I'm not as delicate as you think.” she faced away from Sebastian, “I'm sorry, I know you're not but I worry. Forgive me?” “OK” all this romance was going to make Anna sick. “ what under the vines?” their past self's started to cut away the vines. They had grown over a book. From what Anna could see it black with gold embellishments, she couldn't see the name of it.  “magicae nigrae” Sebastian read, so that was the title. Sebastian’s past self touched the book as he did a wave of darkness blasted out of the book, throwing Anna and Sebastian across the clearing.  

“Anna are you OK?” once Sebastian regained consciousness he, ran to Anna's body “ANNA!” Sebastian screamed.

Sebastian turned back to the book. It was like it was calling him. He started to read. “Sana Sana Sana Sana.” then he went back to her. “please don't die.”  Anna coughed and woke up. “ Sebastian” the pendant at her neck was glowing.

“Anna thank god you're okay!” Sebastian cried. “Sebastian. What did you do?!” Anna shrieked. “I gave you health.” Anna sat up. “Woah Anna take it easy!” Anna slapped off Sebastian’s hand, that rested on her shoulder. “Don't touch me!” Anna got up and walked away, not noticing the slight black air surrounding her. She doubled over and power came out of her like the book had done. “Anna don't move one bit.” Sebastian moved towards her and grabbed her arm but, the pendant threw him off of her. “Help… Sebastian.” Sebastian jumped up and held Anna in his arms. The power disappeared…

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