Chapter 5

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Mara thought that Anna had followed but when she turned she was not there. She wanted to go back and save her like Anna had for her,but she knew that if she did she would never hear the end of it and she didn't know how long she could stand.

“Mara” , Mara was in pain but Anna couldn't do anything, Sebastian face was in front of her.

Anna woke up from her nightmare. She wasn't  in a dungeon like she expected but a hotel looking room, was it all a dream? She tried to get up but when she moved her ribs cracked and her  body hurt. It wasn't a dream.

Anna looked more at her room , she had to bite her tongue to keep her from screaming, Sebastian was at the end of the bed.

She curled her hands in to fists.

She was tied by the hands to the bed , Sebastian didn't want to take any chances with her, he thought that she would run .

“ I thought you would never wake up.” she couldn't bear the sight of him, it made her sick. “it's not like you care” don't let your emotions show she kept saying to herself.

“I thought that I had killed you.” Sebastian still smiling, seemed to move closer by the minute or was the room getting smaller? “you expect me to believe that? Like I said you don't care, you don't have real emotions, you think everything is a game.”

“You're the only one that can open the door.”

Tell me what's behind the door.”

“ can't”

“ why?”

“ because if I do you won't open it  unless I force you and I'd rather not kill you, that's not my style to much mess” if she couldn't find out anything, she might as well play a game with him as well.

“why? Tell me, it's not like I can go anywhere .” she lifted her hands

“ you realized, I thought that you would be stupid and run.”

“to where?”

“your friend.” he had seemed to lose interest because he turned away from her and began to get up. This was her chance , she reach for her pocket she had a hair pin, maybe she could cut the rope.

Sebastian turned back like he forgot something. “don't bother, I emptied your pockets.” he left the room.

Anna couldn't help it , she cried, she was stuck, she didn't know what to do again, she didn't know how many times that she felt helpless, it didn't matter now,  all her plans failed, she didn't know where Mara was ,didn't know of she was safe or if the devils had found her.

Mara made it back to the hotel, what was she doing? She should be helping Anna. What was this? were Anna's dreams real? She said that they felt more like memories than dreams. She couldn't think. All that she could do was sleep , she needed to get better for Anna, so she could help her

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