Chapter 1:Hey Nerd

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"Hey nerd!" his voice is coarse like fragmented rock in hessian sack, moving and grinding against each other. A delicious shiver ran down my spine, like a bolt of electricity as the harsh words were directed towards me. Thin lips curved into a sly smirk and equally thin eyes crinkled at the edges. The pupils of the big build of the boy constricted and widened to the extent that white sclerae surrounded the golden irises. I turned around, only to see said boy tilting his head back and cackling with brutal, malicious laughter that was somehow attractive. "I'm talking to you" a deep hiss and growl was how his voice represented, a predator seeking out its prey to just pounce onto the smaller figure. Just to slowly eat the insides while the other is alive slowly dying—wishing to just disappear from all the eyes that just watch. To feed on the prey later.

Once I didn't reply it seemed that it was the breaking point of his patience. At that moment, I was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying as the queen of the school followed Jungkook's lead. I held it back as long as I could, then I let go. They encircled me, each of the five taller than me. At first, they just called me names, but then they pushed "the button." The leader poked me in the chest. "Is Ji Hee crying now?" One cackled, a unattractive croaking stretching out her voice. "Lock her inside the locker" Jungkook spoke, his voice coated with a bitter laugh. Hands roamed the side of my arms, a unbeatable force pushing and dragging me towards the opened locker.

"Clear the halls!"

"Miss. Ji, your bullying has gotten worst, and for the reputation of our school and your safety, we give this letter if resignation" under his hand was a white envelope sealed nicely. He dragged it against the desk a uncomfortable sound rubbing off from the desk. Without a complain, or utter—the pen that was placed in front of me was picked up and used to scribbled a messy signature on the folded paper. I sighed licking my teeth covered in braces as I nodded a goodbye to the principle.

Reaching the classroom and I grabbed my bag, heading to the window the class. I smiled looking down at the courtyard, the first time we met. I was a transfer due to my school being closed down, at the time he was a small boy—fragile and kind. I fell into him and he gladly helped me up, not a hurtful word coming from his mouth as he looked at my appearance. But as the school year passed, the more popular he became—his personality changed too. That's about the time I confessed.

-Jungkook pov-

My hand slid over my skin, and my feet kicked as I walked out of the cold detention room. Running my tongue on the inside of my cheek I was annoyed, annoyed with the constant lectures and the high pitched disgusting screeches that surrounded me each day. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I crammed open the classroom door to get my bag. The small familiar figure appeared in front of, a soft wind from the open window passing through her hair. Her skin was flawless regardless of the rough beatings from the other girls, a lovely big smile place onto her lips.
She was always a beautiful nerd. The braces and big framed glasses made her small face cute.

"Ji Hee"The words tumbled from my lips like little pebbles onto sand. They dropped too fast for you to catch them and landed softly in my lap where my left hand clasped my right. Each word seemed to flow seamlessly into the next and was spoken so softly that it caressed the ears without transferring any meaning . Her head turned towards me, a startled expression is what she wore. She avoided eye contact with me, obviously afraid of me. I took a step forward, wanting to speak to her, I didn't know why, I just did. "S-Sorry" she stuttered, her voice waving. She grabbed her bag from the ledge and ran "Ji Hee!" I yelled, my voice chasing after her. She didn't stop running, her shoes clamping against the white tiles. I groaned and sat down at her desk, running the tip of my fingers on the wood. I noticed a light penciled drawing on her desk. I looked more closely and recognized the figure. I raised my eyebrows smiling at the man, "man he's handsome" i boasted. I grazed my hand over her drawing. I noticed small writing next to it

Dear Jungkook
If you ever find this, please don't be mad. I like you. Phew took a lot even though it's writing hehhehehehehhe. Um so you were my first love, and probably my last. I love you smile how you cared for your friends made me fall. I know it's stupid. So just forget about me. If you didn't notice this until now, a long time after probably means I confessed and got rejected 'duh'..your probably said something along this "why would I like you? Stay away and never get near me again" ....well that hurst....but since I Love you...WAIT..I won't tell you bc u don't care :(
From Ji Hee

I chuckled at her cute and silky note, guilty at the same time "I did say those words" I laughed lightly of how much she knew me unlike the others, the other girls who just know the mask of a boy afraid to shy himself to others. "What you looking at Jungkookie?~?" A annoying voice ruined the moment, I 'tsk' under my breath.

I tried to hide it the faint pencil markings, trying not to make it obvious.

That bitch! How could she" she flipped her hair. I couldn't do anything, I needed to protect my reputation. "Don't worry oppa~ I'll take care of it" she kissed my lips. She left the room and wiped off the kiss. "Disgusting" I hissed.

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