Chapter 15

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I patted his back rubbing my hand in circles. Calming him down, "c-can I spend the next few days with you? Can I stay here for tonight?" He looked into my eyes. "Sure Kookie" I combed his soft hair, I felt him chuckle against my bady. "You are like a Noona" he mumbled. "I'm not though, your the older one here" I laughed. "Mmmm" his arms wrapped around my body. "I'm getting sleepy" he yawns. "Then lay down" I slowly walked towards the bed. He laid down slowly hugging the blanket.

"Night" I spoke softly. I walked towards the door and opened it slowly making sure not to make a sound. I thought I heard a faint whisper come from Jungkook. I stepped back a bit upon hearing a name. "Sunkee" a girls name. Maybe it's just his mother or...sister. I exited the room.

End of Flashback.

"Ji?" A hand was waved in front of my face. I blinked a couple of times and smiled at the person beside me. "Morning Kookie" I yawned. "Today I get to spend the whole day with you" he kissed my forehead. "And by whole day do you mean stay here and watch movies?" I shifted my head onto his chest. "Mmm yea I guess" he laughed. "Sorry, we have to hide our relationship...but I will tell the and as soon as possible" he stuck out his pinky. "Your such a kid" I laughed. I linked my finger with his.

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