Chapter 13: Bunny Teeth

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I looked around making de my gaze not to land in Jungkook. Thoughts echoed through my mind, why is he being kind? Why did he try to grab my hand? Why does he confuse me?

Jungkook pov

I see Ji Hee wandering her gaze among the scenery, puffing up her cheeks. Her naturally big eye, perfect curves, her kind personality...,I wonder why I didn't see it before. I want her to hug me, cherish me, love me. I could've of had it all, but I crushed her. Her hand dangling holding tightly onto the plastic bags. Her hands looked soft, smooth, cute....I reached out to grab her hand slowly making sure she didn't notice. I grabbed it tightly as she flinched trying I pull away. "W-Wa?! JUNGKOOK- this is the second time!" She tried to get free of my grip. "But this time I succeeded and I won't let go" I whispered into her ear leaning in. "Stop!" She whined. "Please" I mumbled into her ear. Ji Hee stopped struggling and let it be. I smiled at myself, grinning like an idiot of this one little action.

Ji Hee pov

His hand was warm, comforting. I like it, I wanted to get closer. I looked up at him, his flawless face, his eyes spacing out were all so perfect. The way he jut looked dreamily out when he walked. I understood why I first fell for him, and fall for him even more even though he continued to bully me. My heart started to pound, my stomach flutters...jut like it did before. I had my gaze set on him, unfortunately he didn't notice. Nor he ever did, I wasn't ugly in highschool, I was decent. All I did was...wore glasses and liked him. Why did he pick on me? I always asked myself that same question. Did He really hate me that much? I didn't notice tears started to stream down my face and I didn' notice that I started to tremble. "Ji? Ji? JI!" He shook my shoulders. I looked into his eyes, it calmed me. He grabbed my wrists then my face, cupping it softly. Rubbing my cheeks, wiping my tears away with his thumb. It all soothed me. "What's wrong?" He spoke softly. "I'm sorry Kookie, I can't forget what you did. I have so many questions. Why you bullied me even though I was like the others" I stopped for a second. "Why you still make my heart flutter when I see you. Why I have butterflies in my stomach every time you laugh, smile. Why did you hate me? You rejected me but accepted theirs. I was the exact same. Why? You ripped mine to shreds. Why? To the point, I-I started cutting. You would blame me for my scars. I wasn't fat, you called me fat. I starved myself for months. At a young age I had anxiety, depression. I tied an tried to stop, I did. year came by and it got worst. People actually started to gang up in me. Calling me slut, punched me. I started cutting again, I confessed. Bullies came an came, no one helped me. I wanted to lay in a ditch, no one to find me. Some one did. Haru....when I got home I-I drank bleach. It was stupid. My insides burned, I really wanted to just die. I kept getting text messages, saying 'try differ bleach, I hope you die this time' Y-You have no idea how much...I just wanted to leave die...I was useless until I moved." I hiccuped, my ters kept falling, recalling all those memories. My eyes blurred, he pressed his forehead against mine. I could slowly brought up my hands to his face, I felt something wet. Tears. "Ji Hee. I'm sorry......sorry..." He sobbed over and over. I wiped his tears with my thumb. "I'll do anything to make it up to you!" He laughed and cried. I chuckled crying at the same time "d-don't laugh while you will choke" I managed to say between sobs. "I'm sorry" he said before smashing his lips onto mine. He slowly kissed me passionately. His hands softly holding my face. His lips were soft like I imagined. His kisses were tender. I kissed back pulling my arms around his neck. Pulling him closer to me. "Ji" he spoke softly before pushing his lips back onto mine and kissing me softly. I slowly kissed back letting tears fall. "Your so beautiful" he placed a kiss on my forehead. "You were always perfect, your weight, your face, your body, your personality" he placed a kiss on my eyes. "Your smart" he placed kisses on my cheeks. "A-And I was such an idiot for not realizing that" he placed a short soft kiss onto my lips. "And I will never be able to rewind the past" he smiled at me softy. Leaning in he placed his lips on mine "these lips are mine" he murmured. I pulled away needing to breath, he placed small kisses as I pulled away. I panted looking into his dreamy eyes again that were all red and puffy. I giggled a bit and he seemed to notice "yours is like mine too so don't even start" he glared at me. I lightly smiled as I slowly softly put my forehead onto his. "I like this" I smiled softly.."mmm...." He answered back. I could see his eyes smiling at me. "Your lips tasted...nice....I want more" he whispered huskily. My eyes widened "pervert" I whispered. "It's true" he slowly pushed me against a near by building. "I want more" he repeated but more huskily. He smiled, using his bunny teeth. "Unfair bunny, using your cute smile" I pouted while leaning in.

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