Chapter 7: Feeling weird

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I yawned as I cupped my hands, the cold wind blew, I felt my families arms wrap around me. I smiled as a single tear went down my face. "I miss you, mom, dad, big bro...big sis.....why couldn't you take me with you" my vision started to be clouded with tears. I snuggled up to their graves, "I miss you guys so much" I smiled, "I'm trying to be strong" I continued. I can feel the wind blow through my body. I feel like they are coming down hugging me. "Don't cry" Haru sat beside me. "Why did we have that trip? Why couldn't we just stay in the hotel? Why did they have to die? Why couldn't they ale me with them?" I tugged my chest. "It's been 5 years since they left me" I clenched my fists. "Come on, you visited them for the anniversary if their death, at least smile for them" Haru patted my back. I saw a figure kneel beside me, Jungkook. He looked at the graves before him, I notice all 6 if them on their knees, I look on my other side. "Haru, Mark" I smiled. "Jungkook...guys" I smiled. They put their thumbs up giving me a smile. "5 years ago was freshman year...I'm sorry...." He looked at me with sad eyes. "It's not you fault...after all you don't care" i mumbled. Jungkook looked at me, "w-what?" I stuttered, I felt my face turning red. Shit! I can't fall in love with him. He got closer to me, I couldn't move, my body froze. His arms wrapped around my body, he is lucky I'm in this fragile state. He hugged me "I'm sorry" he repeated again. I tried to break free from his hug "it's ok" I whimpered. "Let's just stay in this position for a while" he soothed me. "Thanks skippity" I hugged him back.

Jungkook pushed me into the wall "YAH SLUT! DO MY HOMEWORK!" He shoved papers in my face...'Jungkook...I'm a virgin...

"MOM DAD IM HOME!!!" I rushed into the house. "oh! darling! Your hard work has paid off. Me and your father have enough money for the road trip in US!" My mom squealed. I gasped and hugged my family.

I sobbed until I couldn't anymore, my head down. My sobs were muffled by my arm. "YAH CRYBABY! ITS ANNOYING STOP!!!" He flicked my forehead.


"YOUR FATHER HAS SUCH UGLY SCARS, MAUBE THATS WHY YOUR SO UGLY!" He laughed. father is dead...he protected us...
End of flashback

" know when you called me a slut? I'm still a virgin, when you called me lame...that was my homework for a future University that could save my family's life...when you called me fat.. I was already staving myself to leave some food, to leave some food to have food on the table the next day. When you made fun of my dad, because I his ugly scars. He protected our country. When you made fun if me because I was was because my family died....back them you used to think that you knew the students that you bullied...but you never did" I whispered into his ear, letting my voice crack. I whimpered at the end slowly tightening my grip. Jungkook stayed silent, of course he wouldn't say anything. It's surprising for me to even hug him back. "I'm sorry. This is all I can say. I'm sorry" he pleaded. He was going to pull away from the hug but I kept him there. I don't know why but his warmness keeps me clam "don't go...hold me for a bit longer" I inhaled his scent. "O-ok" he stuttered

HEY!!!! this chapter is dedicated to this

________________HEY!!!! this chapter is dedicated to this

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