Chapter 11: Sorry

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I looked at the big ride, the cages swing around. "You in?" Jungkook cocked up an eyebrow. "All the time" I said irritated by his cockiness. "We are going to go in that roller Coaster, meet you at the cotton candy shop!" Haru yelled at us. I nodded waving them off. I stared at the line of people, getting more nervous by the second. "You know you don't have to go this if you don't want to" Jungkook mumbled. "I'm never backing out of a challenge that you purpose" I grunted. "You still mad?" He whined. "How could I not be? You freaking bullied me until I wanted to kill myself over and over. Saying thing that are not true, all you said was a lie" I grunted my teeth holding in the tears. "I-I..." He whispered. He didn't say anymore, so I guess he gave up arguing with me. My heart pounded upon remembering what he did to me.

After the ride
"YAS I WIN!!!" Jungkook pumps his fists in the air. I laid down on the bench feeling dizzy. "Eh? Are you ok Ji?" He sat beside me removing my hair out of my face. I stared up at him dizzy. "This is not good, your like your drunk" he sighed. "Jungkookie~" I cooed without thinking. "Your defiantly so dizzy that your drunk" he laughed. "Kookie~ I luv youuuu!" I smiled. "E-eh...what?" He stuttered. "Why did you have to shred me apart?" I started to tear up. "Ji Hee...I'm really sorry" his voice softened. "Why Jungkook? Why did you have to turn my life upside down?" I continued on. "JI HEE!" He picked me up rushing me towards a nearby alley. He trapped my between his arms. "J-Jungkook?" I whimpered. His eyes softened as he lifted up my chin. He slowly got closer, I didn't know why I didn't fight back. I feel all weak by his touch. His lisp inches away from mine. "Sorry...this was a mistake" he chuckled bride running off. My yes widened to be left alone..again...I fell down to my knees crying. Why? Why do you build me up but throw me away?

Jungkook pov

I ran away hiding around the corner, dammit Jungkook why do have to be such a coward!? I her sobs, echoing through the alley. I'm sorry Ji Hee...I'm sorry....

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