Chapter 17; Only Person

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"Ahhh so this is your friends! Oh who's this?" I presume their manager greeted us. "I'm Jungkook's...." I Stopped myself. "She is my real girlfriend" Jungkook pulled me by my side. I stared at him and he just smiled warmly. "Oh this is the young woman Jungkook was talking about! Don't worry we will fix the problem with Tzyu" his manager smiled assuredly. I smiled back bowing. "I heard out school is having a gathering for us" Jungkook said a he set my suitcase in his room. "Are you going?" I asked. "Only if you are" he replied back. "I guess I'll go, but wouldn't it be weird if the school bully and victim was dating?" I asked. "No" he shook his head. "When is it exactly?" I asked while taking out my clothes. He sat on his bed clasping his hands "tonight"

"What?!" I bursted. He laughed hugging me "your gonna be beautiful" "here I have a dress" he opened his closet taking out a beautiful short dress.

 He laughed hugging me "your gonna be beautiful" "here I have a dress" he opened his closet taking out a beautiful short dress

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"Is beautiful" I muttered. "Awesome let's go get your hair done" he grabbed my hand. "Is Haru and Mark coming?" I asked. "Of course" he smiled warmly.

"It's beautiful!!" Jungkook hugged me tightly

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"It's beautiful!!" Jungkook hugged me tightly. I squealed as I put in some black heels, "let's go Haru and Mark are already in the limo" Jungkook bowed. I laughed hooking my arm around his. I hummed and gasped at the limo. It was a white long limo.

We came to a stop at the school and my heart felt like it was going to burst out f my chest. "It's ok" Jungkook's hand went over mine. He held onto my hand, grabbing on it tightly as we walked into the big school doors. "Eeeeek!? Isn't that Jungkook?! He got more handsome! WAIT is that Got7 Mark?! What's he doing here?" Annoying voices echoed through the halls. My breath hitched as I saw Tzyu walking through the halls like she owns the place.


"Jungkook what are you doing with this bitch?" She put her hand on her hip. "Excuse you, your not my girlfriend. We only did this for a show. So shut it" Jungkool growled lowly from his throat. Every girl gasped in the hallway sending glares at Tzyu. I mean she does deserve it. Jungkook pulls me into the room with tables, a little dance floor, a bar and a DJ stand. "OMG ISNT THAT BTS AND GOT7?!" I heard a high pitched screech. "Soo they are coming too?" We stopped. "What are you guys doing here?" Mark and Haru raised their eyebrows. "What? We wanted to see" BamBam smiled. "We have a 16 person table reserved for us!" Jinyoung said pointing to the middle of the dining room. "Great couldn't be more obvious" I joked. We were walking deeper into the room until a young lady stopped us "I'm going to announce your names" she informed taking out a mic.




The crowds stared at us whispering loudly. "Is that really Ji Hee?"
"that's Haru!!?"
"Their dating idols?!"
"That bitch!' She is dating my Jungkook oppa!"

"Who said I was yours?" Jungkook turned his head to the crowd. The crowd immediately hushed down from his glare. "I only belong to Ji Hee!" He announced taking a long passionate kiss.

"Sorry" the girl whispered.
"But is that really Ji Hee?! She is so beautiful!"
"It's all makeup"

"Oh that reminds me Ji Hee, we forgot to take you to a makeup place, here let me do your eyes" Jungkook led me to our table, sitting me down.

After he was done a girl clung to his arm "oppa why are you defending her?"
He shook her off harshly "I'm no longer the way I was before, she is the only person I love" he sat beside me.

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