Chapter 8: little Bit

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"Thanks Skippity" I wiped my tears and smiled. "It's your turn to call me by a different name" he chuckled. I nodded and got up and smiled "mother father, sis, bro, I'm ok now, I have friends now...ill miss you" I smiled the best I could. "Shall we go?" I heard a soft voice call out to me. I look beside me. "Yea" I smiled grabbing Jungkook's hand. "Don't think I forgive you though" I grinned. "I will make you forgive me" he whispered huskily in my ear. I hit his chest "you better not change into a pervert" I laughed. "I might if you keep seducing me" he smirked, licking his bottom lip, biting it after.My face turned extremely red. I ran away grabbing onto Tae's arm sticking my tongue out at him. "The Golden Makanae messed up? That's new" Tae laughed. "That right my little genius" I messed his hair. "M-My?" He questioned hiding his face. "Mmmmmmm then just little genius" I pinched his cheeks. "O-ok" he smiled. I walked beside Tae holding his hand as we skipped like kids. "Y-yaH!! People might make scandals" Jungkook came between us. I looked at Jungkook's jealous face and laughed. "Is Skippity jealous" I teased.

"Yes now why don't you give me a different nickname" he grabbed my wrist jerking me forward to land on his chest. He lifted up my chin staring into my soul .

I moved his face a little, hanging my head to hide my flushed face. "O-ok Kookie...." I said quietly. "What was that?" He grabbed my hands and lifted up my face. "Y-yes Kookie" I adjusted my eyes away from his sparkling brown eyes. "Jungkook stop flirting with Ji Hee" Jin sighed. "I could make any woman fall for me" Jungkook smirked. Yep still the old Kookie. "Even Haru?" I raised my eyebrows. "YAH Jungkook you betta not flirt with my Squishydumpling" Mark glared at him. "Don't worry...I already have someone in mind" he said quietly. "Whom may that be?" Jimin asked curiously. "You don't new to know" Jungkook pushed Jimin away. "Be nice to your hyung" I scolded playfully. "B-but" Jubgkook pouted. "Your pout won't work on me anymore" I laughed "oh c'mon!" Jungkook crossed his arms. Maybe I could forgive Jungkook a little bit....just a little.

A little squinty less than a microscopic bug bit.

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