Chapter 5: Meeting again

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We stood back stage again, I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what my next move is.

"Ji Hee!!!" Jungkook's voice echoed.

I flinched scared, as he got closer to me, he panted. "W-why did you leave?" He asked out of breath, asking suddenly.

"Why did you leave the school" he asked, he asked again catching his breath.

"Ohh I don't know, it's just she had to" Haru poked his forehead, he crinkled up his nose swapping her hands away.

"W-what?!" Jungkook looked at am suprised. "True" i shrugged avoiding eye contact.

"Tell me Ji!" He grabbed into my shoulders shaking me lightly. "J-Ji? Wasn't it nerd?"I scoffed placing my arms into a cross.

"You called Ji Nerd?!" Jimin shook Jungkook. "Did he?" Rapmon tapped my shoulder. Jungkook stared at me with pleading eyes, I wanted to tell them, but at the same time I don't. "Stop questioning me!!!" I squealed and hid behind Haru.

Jungkook stared at me them whispered something, it looked like he mouthed 'cute' but that can't be it. He would never call me cute. "Ayyyy Ji your so cuuutttteee" Jimin pinches my cheeks. "NOOO stop it!" I slapped his hands. He let go and laughed. I rubbed my cheeks pouting. "Don't do that, it's cute" V messed up my hair. "HEY STOP FLIRTING WITH MY FRIEND" Haru pulled me. Jungkook took a step closer and I took a step back. He took a another and I took a step back, he took two steps and took two steps back. "Ji!!!" He whined. He ran up to me and ran away.

"I promised my self I wouldn't stand at least 5 meters away from you" I muttered quietly. He took another step slowly but this time Haru pushed me and I came closer. I bit my lip, just being this close makes me nervous. He kept taking steps forwards and I kept taking steps back until I couldn't go any further.

I hoped that I wouldn't be able to stop, but I met the wall. 'So cliche' I thought.  Jungkook took the chance to put both hands beside my head so I couldn't escape. He got really close and stared into my eyes. "Don't have to much fun!!" Haru yelled. "Yah! Shut up Haru!!" I screamed back. I heard him chuckle, his hand removed a piece of hair that was out of my face. He lifted my chin so I was forced to look into his beautiful eyes. "Ji Hee, tell me why did you leave?" He asked in a soft tone. The eyes that were in highschool I could no longer see, it was sincere eyes...innocent, but not really innocent...."I-it was..." I didn't want to answer him. I squealed and went under him to get out. I closed my eyes until I ran into someone. "Owwww" I whined. "Are you ok Ji Hee?" I looked up and Jimin was staring at me with worried eyes. I nodded and sniffed a bit. "Are you crying?!" V pushed Jimin out of the way and lifted up my chin. "I see a tear!!!" He screamed. "Jeez Tae you don't need to yell" Jin pushed him. Jin lifted up my chin again but this time wiped my tears with his thumb. "YAH YOUR STILL FLIRTING WITH HER!!" Haru pulled me again. She hugged me, "b-but Haru is mine!!" Mark hugged Haru resulting Mark back hugging Haru and Haru back hugging me. "I'm tired" I yawned. "That's really all you think of?" Haru asked. I nodded and groaned. "I wanna go to sleep" I smiled hoping to get out of here.

"Yes yes let's go, bye see you at the party" Haru waved to BTS "is Ji coming?" v asked.

I nodded and smiled. I was walking towards the exit when Jungkook grabbed my hand "i-I'm sorry" he whispered. "I can't forgive you that easily" I sighed ruffling my hair. I followed Haru out of the building, i looked back at Jungkool seeing his face

. I made motions with my hand indicating for him to smile. I can never forgive you of what you've done to me, but I know you changed. I just can't forgive you.

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