Chapter 4: BTS

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3 years later

Yawning I open my eyes, picking my head up. I run my hand over my aching neck that was resting on the bag of my chair. I groaned stretching my arms and legs, having little cracks emerge.

JiJi: da FA did u change my name?
Haru: yea yea, but Mark is an idol u know right?!
JiJi: yeah u told me like the millionth time, he is in Got7
Haru: so you know mnet right?
JiJi: y wouldn't I? That's all you talk about
Haru: shut up you hoe
JiJi: ur a hoe
Haru: anyways, Mark got VIP tickets for BTS's concert!!
JiJi: who is BTS?
Haru: u gotta be kidding me
JiJi: I don't kid around
Haru: just go
JiJi: fine
Haru: ok meet me at 5
JiJi: yes yes...WAIT IS ALREADY 4:20!!!
Haru: I'll pick u up, slept in again huh?
JiJi: shut up
JiJi: bai hoe
Haru: bai hoe

((This is wat Ji Hee is wearing, kind of wat u look like))

I slowly rubbed my head as I walked out of the door of my apartment leaning on a pole near the streets

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I slowly rubbed my head as I walked out of the door of my apartment leaning on a pole near the streets.

Ji Hee! Don't fall asleep! Get you lazy ass here!" Mark's voice echoed through my head like a thousand tunnels. "Shut up shut up" I snapped getting in the car. "Good morning sleepy head" Haru giggled.

I ignored her giggles and complaints, slowly drifting off to sleep again.

"What do you want" Jungkook said with irritation, his arms crossed "U-um Jungkook, I like you please accept this!!" I squealed bowing, giving him my gift. "I don't care for your stupid feelings, now get away" he yawned, uninterested, grabbing my present out of my hand and tossing it in the garbage.

I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times, a little scared from the dream "we are here" Mark looked at me, with worried eyes. "Thanks" I got out of the car and looked at the big building. 'Why did I think if him' groaning unintentionally . "Is there something wrong?" Haru asked. "No no just a bad dream" I reassured her "Ji Hee...I told you to stop eying those candies! They give you nightmares" Haru waved her hands in the air, like a little monkey asking for food. "What's up with that?" I chuckled. "Just remember" Haru pointed at me "I will" I laughed. I held onto Haru's hand walking with her into the building.

We followed Mark clueless, par a bunch of fans, through two big heavy metal doors, to a little section that was closed off from the other half.

The music started and my gaze landed on the seven handsome boys. Screams filled the stage as they danced, I have to admit their singing and dancing are awesome.

Staring at one brought me to shivers. His voice angelic like brings me to saw along with his voice. His smile too, it was cute.

It looks like 'him'

Biting my lip I squint my eyes as he goes into the light.

It can't be


They took us backstage and I twirled my thumbs nervously as I hid behind the couple. "Hey Mark!" I heard a low voice. "Hey V" he hugged the other. "Who's this?" A guy wiggled his eyebrows at Haru. "Back off Rap mon she is my girlfriend" Mark laughed. "And who this" Jungkook noticed me. Shit shit shit shit. "Go on introduce yourself" Mark removed me from behind him. "Sorry she is very shy because of what happened to her in highschool" Haru smiled. "Wait I recognize that voice, like Kim Haru?!"
Jungkook smiled immediately showing his bunny smile.

"Wow you remember me" Haru laughed gosling her stomach. "Wait your two know eachother?!" A black hair guy eyes widened. "Yea, we used to be in the highschool until I moved here" Haru smiled. "And how about you?" A blonde hair guyed asked.

I glance at Haru with pleading eyes, afraid what Jungkook'z reaction would be. "You have to say this yourself" she glared.

"She a big fan?" Another black hair guy asked. "No she doesn't even know you guys, so introduce" Haru sighed. "Hullo I'm Jin!!" "I'm rap mon" "I'm suga, swag" "I'm Jimin!!" "I'm V" "and I'm Jungkook" they introduced. 'I know Jungkook...I know' I thought. "Boys you have the meet!" Their manager yelled. "Meet us there and get a poster so it will last!" V sang. I nodded and smiled.

Jungkook pov

I stare at the girl next to Haru, she seems nervous. Every time she catch me looking she avoids me. Her radiating smile is pretty too.

Ji Hee pov
I tremble as it was almost my turn "you have too Ji Hee" Haru calmed me. It was finally my turn, I slowly knelt down and handed them their poster. "Don't be so nervous" Jin reassured me, he doesn't know my condition though.

"So what's your favorite food?" Rap mon smiled trying to bring a topic to our silent

"Fighting! I think you can become a photographer!" Jimin grabbed my hands.

"remember act cool" Suga smiled giving me advice about my life, I mean aren't I already cool?.

"Your hope is with you" Jhope winked, making angel wings with his hands. Laughing at his joke he passed my book and poster to Jungkook.

"Jungkook do you think you can right my name?" I asked, I don't know why I'm doing this, why I want him to recognize me.

"Sure, what's your name?" He asked with a bunny smile

"My name is Ji Hee"

He signed it smiling slowing down on the last mark. His smile turned into a frown as his mouth gaped open.

He dropped his sharpie, slowly looking up at me. His eyes were wide, and his hand reached out to mine. I jolted and jerked back my hands as his hand slightly came in touch with mine.

I stood up grabbing my book and poster walking off stage. "Did he recognize you?"

"Looks like it"

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