Chapter 12: For sure

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"What happened-" "I got salt in my eyes" I stared plainly said stomping off. "Ok...." Haru eyed me. "So who won?" Jimin asked licking his lips. "The golden makanae" I rolled my eyes. "It's ok Ji we will pay" Jin smiled. My eyes brightened up and jumped on Jin "YES THANK YOUUUU" I hugged him tightly. "In return do you guys wanna come over to my house and I cook?" I put a thumbs up. "We would love too!" Jhope jumped excitedly.

Time skip

"Mmm I need to get groceries" I mumbled opening the door. "Mmm can you guys nice your car out I the way so I can back out?" I asked. "Mm" Namjoon took out keys. "WIAT you need to put back your shoes on" I grabbed his hand. "No no it's ok" he smiled. I face planted as he went outside stepping on the concrete. "I like how your not worried about his feet instead your worried about your house getting messy" Haru laughed. "I'm a Asian woman what do you think" I grumbled. "Ok I moved out if the way" Namjoon dangled his keys from his fingers. I stared down down at Namjoon's feet trying to hint something. I sighed and putting my shoes back on getting my keys to start the car. "Kookie go help Ji" Suga yawned. "Huh? Oh...ok" he whispered. I grunted tightening my grip on the door.

At the department store

"What do you guys want?" I asked staring down at some food. "Jut some those kind of stuff" Jungkook mumbled under his breath. "Ok" I said grabbing into some onions, wine, bacon, potatoes, and chicken drumsticks. "Why do you need wine?" Jungkook looked over my shoulder. "You pabo, for cooking" I flicked his forehead.

I walked slowly to the cashier as Jungkook kept looking at me, popping out if no where asking for some snacks. He such a little kid. "Ah! Ji Hee! Cooking a feast or something?!" The cashier laughed. "Kind of" I chuckled. "Hm? Who's this?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Jenna!" I slapped her arm. "Hello Ms. I'm Jungkook" he whispered his name. "Mmm are you Ji's Lover?" Jenna asked grinning scanning the food. "W-wa Jenna!" I glared at her. "No, not yet" he slung his body over mine. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I smacked his head with my hand. "Ow ow " he chuckled. Aish, first he makes me angry and next he is being all flirty!!"oh I see, good luck" Jenna smirked. "Yah! Jenna we have other friends over" I glared to her as I packed my stuff. "Mmm you never know" Jenna wiggled her eyebrows glancing at Jungkook who was on his phone. "Tch!" I picked up my bags leaving. "Goodbye!" Jenna smiled.

Jenna pov

"Goodbye!" I waved. "Ahhh he is cute...he seems familiar though" I shrugged. I spot Jungkook's hand sneaking up to Ji's while they are walking but she caught it and smacked his hand away. "YAH!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She yelled. "Aish you could hear her through the doors" I mumbled and chuckled. "I-I wasn't doing anything?" He protested. "Idiot, don't answer with a question" I laughed. "Oh...isn't that the school bully? Jeon Jungkook.. This is going to be a interesting love highschool she chased her chases her..they are going to be a good couple" I grinned. "I'm going to make that happens, for sure" I laughed.

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