Chapter 10: Synchronization

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I crossed my arms pouting, "ok that's a rap up!" Namjoon smiles at the tired boys, his dimples coated with a sweat "Hey Ji Hee? Mind passing us the water?" Yoongi yawned. I nodded puffing my cheeks as I begin to hand their water. "Thanks Ji- can you let go please?" Jungkook stare at me with innocent eyes. "Kookie...." I grumbled. "Is Ji grumpy because if the nickname~?" Jungkook cooed.

"shut.up" I hissed before letting go of the cold water. "Hey wanna go some where after this?!" Taehyung jumped. "ICE CREAM!" Me and Jungkook yelled. I glared at him. "BURGERS!" We yelled again. "YOGURT, BREAD, PASTRIES, PUDDING, AMERICAN FOOD, JAPANESE FOOD., NOODLES, FRENCH, SHRIMP, STOP COPYING ME!" We both shouted at each other. "Maybe if you stop suggesting I won't say the same thing you would!" Jungkook smirked. "So I don't get a say?!" I puffed up my cheeks. "Apparently not!" He boasted. "I'm pretty the sure your the one who wants me to call you Kookie" I scoffed. "You know what's fun? Let's go to a scary ride, but I by you can't handle it" he gritted his teeth. "Let's do a confidence test" I suggested not taking my eyes off him.

"Are you sure?" He answered more softly. "Why? Backing out now?" I provoked him. "What?? Never! It's on" he growled. "WINNER BUYS EVERYONE COTTON CANDY!" We both shouted and grunted. We stomped our way towards the black can not taking our eyes off each other's. "Apparently we don't get a say" I heard a whisper. "Their like a couple fighting, they are a good couple" I heard another whisper. "WE CAN HEAR YOU!" We both turned around. "Aish!" We walked faster annoyed with ourselves. "They are a good match" I heard a smaller whisper. I ignored it, oh man Kookie, the synchronization is pissing me off.

"You better stop copying me" I glared at Kookie. "Me copying you? Never in a million years" he scoffed.

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