Chapter 16

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3 weeks later

I gripped my suitcase as I looked on the news, my lips quivered.

"How can he get a new girlfriend when he has one here?" I thought


The tv boomed, I dropped my fork as I stared at the tv wide eyed. They were holding hands and could be just his close friend....yea close friend.

End of Flashback

My eyes watered as I waited at the South Korea airport waiting for my ever so 'precious' boyfriend...

The tv had breaking news with Bold letters.


"Jungkook is still a player I see" Haru joked. When Mark noticed I didn't laugh he frowned "Ji Hee? Is something wrong" "um no" I faked a smile. "Ok, BTS will be here in a minute" he informed me.

"I wonder how he is supposed I explain this" I muttered.

"What? Did you say something Ji Hee" Haru asked tilting her head. "Nope" I pinched her cheeks. "Yah!" She slapped my hands. "JI HEE!!!" That lovely voice....haunted me as I spotted him from the corner of my eye.

Jeon Jungkook

I didn't turn to him, I didn't want to see him. "Hey Tae" Mark did a bro hug with him. "JHOPE!!!" Haru smiled. "Haru!!" He smiled. "AYYYY!" They did a high five. "Ji?" Jungkook frowned noticing I didn't respond to him. His gaze followed mine, his eyes widened seeing upon what I was looking at. "You better able to explain this" I gritted my teeth. "I-I um...will tell you later in private" he said nervously. "Oh Ji! Did you see Jungkook's new girlfriend?! She is so pretty!! Apparently he dated her in highschool! Do you know her?" Rapmon asked. "Now that I look at her, isn't she your old girlfriend before she dumped you because she you cheating? Then you got the new bitch" I said codly. "Don't do this" he whispered. "Are you ok Ji Hee" Yoongi asked concerned. "Yes, I guess Korea just made me remember some dark past" I lied again. "You already started it" I whispered back. "Please just let me explain" he whimpered. "I'm not that kind of girl, I'll let you explain" I smiled patting his shoulder. "Thank you" he mouthed.

In private

"My manager said I have too..." He stated once we were alone. I stared at him in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that" he pouted. I crossed my eyes raising an eyebrow. "I'll fix it I promise" he pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "You better"

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