Chapter 9: I will kill

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I yawned as I watched the boys practice, they are really good dancers. My eyes slowly closing even though I still want to watch.

Squeezing my eyes at Jungkook spotting him flash a wink I rolled my eyes.

Jeez that tease, your the reason why I wasn't able to sleep.


"Careful!" Jungkook yelled as he steadied the ladder, his grip squeezing on the metal rails. I was putting up a lightbulb that was in the practice room, it burned out when I came in. "I am!" I shouted back frustrated my his constant scolding.

I screwed in the new bulb and huffed, filling my cheeks with air"see I can do it".

"Yes yes now get down" Jungkook rolled his eyes. Stepping down I tripped, falling down I to a pair of arms.

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting them again so I didn't have to see his face so close to mine. "Ji Hee" Jungkook grunted softly, his hot breth landing on my face.

My eyes widened as his soft lips landed on mine, he slowly moved his lips on mine. I tried pushing him away, hitting his chest. "Sorry, I just had too" he whispered in my ear, letting me down. My face burned red, as I stared at him.

End if flashback

"JI Hee-shi~!" Jimin ran over to me. "Y-yes?" I stuttered. "Why do you look so tired?" He sat beside me chugging down his water bottle. "Oh nothing chinchim, it's just something that happened yesterday at the practice room" I faked smiled glaring at Jungkook at the corner of my eyes. "Mmmm really?" He said unconvinced. "Really go ask Jungkook" I pointed at the one lying down in the wooden floor. "Haha, i believe you Ji!" He laughed. "Hey have you ever had you first kiss yet?" Taehyung blurted out suddenly. My face reddened "w-what do you mean?pshhh no!" I lied. "Stop lying Ji Hee" Jungkook smirked. "So did you?" Jimin asked interested in my answer.

"Fine, I did, it was stolen, by this man" I pointed at Jungkook, blushing at the thought of his soft lips moving against mine.

"Jungkook, your are dead" Haru hissed like a cat, sitting up walking slowly towards him. "W-wa? Um hyungs a I-I can explain, Haru-no stop--don't come any closer" he backed away. "CHARGE!!" Haru screamed tackling him. "NOOO Hyungs!!! STOP!!!" Jungkook said laughing as they tickled him. "Mark let go of me! HE KISSED JI HEE!! I MIST HAVE REVNGE!" Haru struggled waving her arms everywhere. "I'm not letting you go close to a boy" Mark pouted. "Ji Hee stop them!!!" Jungkook whined. I sighed "just this time" I slowly approached the group before pulling Jungkook out of the little ball. My back met the wall and I lost my footing crashing into the wall. Jungkook fell along but stopping himself from falling onto me. But we were still in the most awkward position. One if his hands trapping me, having support on the wall, the other one steadying himself on the floor. His legs tangled between mine as his body almost falling onto mine. And last of all...our faces. I could feel his breath on my face, his hair connecting with mine as our eyes met. "J-Jungkook" I stuttered, I didn't notice my face getting red. "How come Jimin gets a nickname?" He smirked pouting. God dammit he is using this as his advantage. "Y-you do have's Skippity-" he stopped my sentence using his finger. "Hyungs come any closer and I will steal her second kiss" he grinned evily. They stopped in their tracks looking over at me. "I don't like that one" he whispered huskily in my ear. "T-then oppa?" I adjusted my eyes. "I don't like people calling me oppa! It's annoying" he hissed, reminding of the annoying highschool girls. "Th-then kookie" I muttered. "Okie I'm fine with that" he smirks backing away from me. My eyes widened. I. WILL. KILL. YOU. JUNGKOOK

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