Chapter 2: Leaving

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I slowly walked into the classroom walking quickly pass everyone, knowing f I make contact it comes with punishment. I sat down on my desk sighing in relief that no they just ignored me.

Today was good, nothing happened, strange but I liked it. Maybe that got over it, no way. I looked over my shoulder to look at my classmates but they just stared.

Nothing happened..strange, maybe it's because I'm not even worth of noticing.

Next day
I ran to my desk 'tomorrow I'm going back to America' I sang in my head. I looked down at my desk and I was filled of sadness. My drawing of Jungkook was scribbles out with sharpie and there were notes. 'DIE BITCH' 'HOW DARE U?' 'DONT STEAL OTHER GIRLS BOYFRIENDS!' Tears swelled up in my eyes, seeing the drawing I worked so hard on ruined. "Do really you could've gotten away with this?!" A girl laughed in my ear, ruining my hearing. I stood there letting myself get laughed at, i can't help it. I'm used to it.

Not able to take it anymore I grabbed my bag, quickly sliding trough the doors. "I don't care for this stupid school anymore" I cried, whimpering.


Ji Hee: hey I'm leaving school early

Haru: really? I'll move up your flight ok? Hold on

Ji Hee: ok thanks love uuuuuu


I walked to my locker slowly unlocking it, pulling on the metal. I lazily pulled my textbooks out and packed my bag, sulking. I put my books in the staff room biting my lip tightening my grip on my bag I slowly walked through the halls looking back at the courtyard one last time, the first time I came here I thought I him and when I leave I think of him. I smiled bitterly passing by my classroom looking at the obvious person, his smiled was clear and beautiful. "Goodbye Jeon Jungkook, my bully and my crush"

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