Chapter 14:Dont Worry

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He lifted up my chin smiling, "we should get back now....their probably wondering where we are" I whispered softly. "ok" he hugged me, holding tightly like I'm going to dissapear. "Don't worry Kookie, I'm not going anywhere" I giggled. "I-I'm afraid that your going to disappear like last time" he whimpered. "I won't. I'm not a ghost" I pulled his face kissing him softly on the forehead. "We are going to have to hide our relationship" he frowned. "It's ok, your career is more important" I smiled. "Your more important than anything" he pulled me in for hug. "Ok ok lover boy les go now." I held his hand. "Ok"he said shortly. I skipped towards the house fiddling with my keys to open the door. "Here" his hot breath sent shivers down my neck. I flinched at his touch as he softly placed his hand over mine. "YoUR FINALLY BACK!!" Jin yelled opening the doors. "Huh? What's wrong Ji Hee? Your lips are a bit swollen! Did something happen? Allergic reaction?" Jin asked like my mom. I giggled slightly biting my lips "I think it's just from me biting my lips to much" I lied hoping he would buy it. "Mmm ok, take some medication ok?" He smiled at me. "But...WHERE's THE FOOD!" He whined. I laughed holding up the grocery bags.

"HURRY WE ARE HUNGRY!!" Everyone entered the small area. "Ok ok I'll do it fast" I head towards the kitchen while taking if my shoes.

I rolled up my sleeves and tied my hair. Grabbing a apron I spread the ingredients across a little table.

(Isn't Ji Hee a good cook! Ji Hee cooked like that btw...this anime is awesome but weird at the same time =_=)

"Done!" I set it down ink the table. "What's that?" Namjoon asked. "It's her special recipe!" Haru beamed. I pulled out some chicken wings I cooked along with it setting it down softly on the table. "When are you guys going back to Korea?" Mark mentioned. My heart ached as I remembered we are still in America and not Korea. "Oh un...just a few more days" Namjoon groaned in realization. "T-That means we won't be able to see eachother?" Jungkook stuttered glancing at me. "Well Haru and me are going back to Korea in 3 weeks and Ji Hee still needs to decide move or stay. I mean she has a house here and everything" Mark looked over at me. "Yea sure...I'll think about it" I fiddled with my thumbs. I want to be with Jungkook...but I have a job here and a house. "C-Can we talk about it?" I asked with pleading eyes. "Of course" Jin smiled softly. "so um...I have a job and everything here...and I don't really want to bother Haru and Mark more than I already have...and plus I need to find a job...and....I want to save my to pay for the plane tickets...a-and for food...that means I won't have solace to stay" I said nervously. "We will pay for your ticket and you can stay with us" Jimin chewed on his potato meatloaf. "T-thanks" my eyes softened. "Plus you can sing, you can become a trainee at JYP" Mark smiled. "No she is going to BigHit" Jungkook glared. "An Mark, how about your members? Where are they?" Yoongi changed the topic. "Mmm I have a vacation with my sweet Haru" he smiled. "How long have you guys been together?" Jhope asked obviously intrested. "Mm since she left Korea" I answered. "U-Um can I talk to you alone Ji?" Jungkook asked. "Ok Kookie" I smirked sadly knowing what exactly he was going to talk about. "Oooh Kookie~" the others teased. I brought him to my room, "I'm going to miss you" he suddenly thought me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, "I'm going to go in 3 weeks...we will text everyday...ok?" I said in a quiet whisper. "Ok" he cried into my shoulder. "Why are you crying? Your going to make me cry" I sniffed holding his face. "Because I'm afraid i will loose you some how" he grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. "Don't worry Kookie" I hugged him.

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