Chapter 3: America

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"Ji Heee!!!" Haru hugged me tightly. I giggled back and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her petit body. "So where is the guy you've been talking about?" I smiled, looking around "You talked about me Haru?" A handsome young man hugged her from behind. Haru's cheeks became a rosy pink as he smiled. I laughed "you too make a cute couple" I sighed happily lifting up my glasses from the bridge of my nose "Ji Hee!!! I though I told you to get contacts why didn't you get contacts yet?" She whined like a child but scolded me like my mom

"Because is don't have enough money" I reasoned smiling at her silliness. "Let me get you some then!!" She declared glaring. "Nope I'm earning it myself" I shook my head. "See how hard she is?!" Haru pointed at me stomping her feet "She wants to get it herself, she is very responsible" Mark pointed out taking my side. Haru pouted and crossed her arms, pretending to be mad.

That didn't last long

"But I wanna help" Haru complained. "What you can help me with is getting a job" I suggested

"SURE!!" She beamed a big smile, pulling me out of the airport, explaining all sorts of jobs.

Jungkook pov

Tapping my fingers against my desk I looked over at 'her' desk, if was cover in ink. I gritted my teeth together mad, I didn't know why but I was. I clenched my fists staring at my 'girlfriend' laughter interrupting the class. Unlike her Ji Her paid attention to class eagerly taking down notes, it was cute. Blushing every time i glanced at her.

I can't believe I'm missing that nerd, that cute nerd

3 months later

I blinked a couple of times getting used to the circler plastic, I'm so lucky I got a such a good job, I have to thank Haru. I can pay for contacts that actually repair your eyesight. "I just need to wear them for two more days" I said checking the paper below me.

I slowly put on my uniform and prepared for school, here in America you don't need to wear glasses to be a nerd. I don't think I'm going to miss Korea a bit.

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