18~Not Just and Peggy

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(Peggy's POV)

It was Sunday morning and I was waking up at 6:00 A.M to go to church with my father and sisters. Did I want to? No! No I didn't, We never go to church we only go when we visit our dad.

I got up and stretched, then headed downstairs. When I got downstairs my sisters were already up and ready, they were sitting at the table eating pancakes.


"Shh, quiet Peggy" My dad said

"I didn't wake you up because I didn't want to get punched in the face" Angelica said.

Eliza chuckled.

After breakfast we went to church after we arrived an elderly woman approached us.

"Hello!" She greeted us giving my father a hug.

"Who are these three beautiful young ladies?" She asked my dad.

"I'm Angelica" Angie said

"Eliza" Eli said extending her hand

"I'm—" I was cut off by Angie

"And that's Peggy" she said pointing at me.

"Um,I can speak for myself Angie!" I said. I was pissed...

"Calm down Margarita" My father said.

"No! I'm tired of being known as: Angelica and Eliza's sister, oh who's that? Just Angelica Eliza, AND Peggy! I'm my own person I want to be more than just And Peggy!" I practically screamed.

"Peggy, stop, you're being irrational!" Angelica shouted.

"And you're being a bitch!!!" I screamed, this observation was met with a lot of dirty looks from old people but I didn't care.

"Margarita!" Angelica yelled

"Don't call me that!" I shouted back

"I can call you whatever I want I was born first." She said sassily.

What that fuck kinda logic is that? I was born before a lot of people but that doesn't give me the right to go up to a toddler and call them a motherfucking bitch!

I scoffed and slapped her in the face and walked out of the building.

I didn't know where I was going, I decided on just going home. I hailed a cab. I payed the Taxi driver and walked into my dad's house. I went to my room and started packing. We were leaving tomorrow, thank God!

I felt bad about slapping Angie she was my big sister, I was just in a bad mood and it didn't help that she was being a little bitch.

I fell asleep after packing thinking of different ways to apologize to Angie.

*Tiny Time Skip*

I woke up to someone knocking on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I mumbled into my pillow

"Angie" She replied

"Hm" I hummed signaling that it was ok to come in.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what I said at church, really I am." Angie started.

"I'm sorry too." I replied.

"For what?" Angie asked

"Slapping you" I muttered.

"It's fine, I would've slapped me too!" She said

I chuckled

"We good?" I asked

"We are." Angie replied

"I love you Angie"

"I love you peg-leg"

Bye Lam Fam! ♡☆♡

Word Count: 506 Words

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