37~Daddy's Home (Pt. 3)

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(Alexander's POV)

I woke up in a bright room

I looked around and saw Hercules sleeping in a chair with Lafayette in his lap (who was also sleeping) Angelica and Eliza sitting in one chair, (sleeping,) John in the chair closest to me (also sleeping,) and Peggy, sitting on the floor.

I tried to sit up but winced because of the pain in my side and head.

"Oh my God Alex, you're okay!" Peggy screamed once she saw me move.

That woke John up, I could see he had a black eye and several bruises around his collar-bone.

I started to tear up


John saw that I was starting to cry and imediatley sprang up and embraced me in his arms.

"Shh, what's wrong, my love?" He asked soothingly but you could tell he was panicking.

"I-I'm so sorry" I sobbed

"What?" John asked, confused "What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" I explained still sobbing "I'm sorry he hurt you, I'm sorry I'm here, I'm sorry you have to deal with me. I'm pathetic" I started crying harder

"No! Alex" John shouted "first of all, you don't have to be sorry. Second, it's fine. Third, I love dealing with you, I love you. Fourth, you are not pathetic, you are my everything." John was now crying as well.

"I'm the one who should be sorry" John explained "I dragged you into my messed up life, and it's not your fault my dad is a human peice of shit"

I laughed lightly, which made John smile

"Look, my dad is a homophobic
dick-wad and that's not your fault" John added

I nodded

"What happened anyway?" I questioned "Why am I here?"

I honestly didn't remember anything...

"Uh.. Well" John hesitated "My dad smashed your phone and punched you which made you pass out and hit the desk... And I ran over to you and started crying and my dad hit me too"

"But don't worry cuz' I barged in and saved the day." Herc added now awake
"I told Henry to leave and I took you to the hospital. AND filed a restraining order against Henry"

I smiled

"That's good, wait he broke my phone?" I asked

"Heh, yeah" John said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly

"What the fuck is wrong with him?!" I shouted

"Yeah I know, but I'll get you a knew one" John offered

"It's not that, I lost all my pictures of you... " I whined

John giggled

"We can get them back with ICloud"

"Okay" I replied

*smol time skip to when everyone is awake*

The nurse told us that I could go home tonight.

*Another smol time skip*

When John and I got back to our apartment we snuggle up, watched a movie, and fell asleep in each others arms.

Bye Lam Fam!!!


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