Chapter 2

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We made it to the city and we see Dr. Light causing trouble to the city. "YES! Jump City, bow down to the mighty Dr. Light who will take over the city and soon, THE WORLD!" He bellowed. Can this guy get anymore ridiculous. Robin throws his boomerang at him and hits him the back on his head. "You know, Dr. Light. You may have energy to your suit, but you will get a power outage." Robin proclaim. Light shoots a beam at us and we dodge. "Man, why is it we have with this loser?" Beast Boy said to himself. "Well, let's give him a Sonic Boom Cyborg, you up for it?" Robin ordered. Cyborg turn his hand into a cannon "I got the Sonic if you got the Boom." Cyborg replied. "But it won't be good enough!" Dr. Light shouted. He shoots a beam at them and hits them.

"My turn." I remark. He always cowards when he faces me. "Azareth. Metrion. ZINTHOS!" I cast and throw a lamp post at him and hits him directly in the chest. "Now, you ready to admit defeat?" I asked. "Oh, no. Raven is going to finished me again." He says sarcastically. There was something off about him. "She'll defeat me and I'll end up in jail. Whatever shall I do?" I look puzzled as did Beast Boy. "I know. NOW!" He ordered and someone pounced on me from behind. "RAVEN!" Beast Boy shouted.

"You know, I forgotten how feisty you were before

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"You know, I forgotten how feisty you were before." I know that voice. It was Adonis. "Get off of me, you big ape." I commanded but he refuses to let go. "Why should I? I do my job, then the Dr. promises me half the city when we're done with the team." Adonis replies back. "Let her go." Beast Boy growled. 'Oh, no.' I thought. If he senses I'm in danger, then that means..."Beast Boy, I'll be fine. Go stop Dr. Light!" I tell him.

"No way, Raven. I'm not leaving you. I don't abandon a teammate." He said. There is something truly different about Beast Boy. "You better listen to the lady, little man. She doesn't want a scrawny little man like you. She'll want a god like Adonis here." Adonis snarking at Beast Boy. I can see Beast Boy getting more angrier and angrier every second Adonis holds me. "This is your last chance, Adonis. Let Raven go." He growled even more menacingly. Adonis only laughs at him and snarked, "In your dreams, little man. You're not man enough to stop me." That did it. "I told you before. I'm not a man. I'M A BEAST!" The transformation started and he starts losing control. Adonis finally gets up and stands his ground. "Now we're talking." He said. I just watch in horror after Beast Boy turns into the creature that saved me from Adonis once, the Beast.

 I just watch in horror after Beast Boy turns into the creature that saved me from Adonis once, the Beast

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"Beast Boy." I said quietly. He pounced in front of Adonis and starts going after him with vengeance in his mind. Showing him not to harm me or even touch me. That Beast has become like a protector of me. "Beast Boy, don't go overboard. Don't become a real Beast." I kept telling him hoping he can hear me. The others come to the scene with Dr. Light tied up. "Raven, is Beast Boy...?" Starfire asked very concerning. "I'm afraid so, Starfire." I reply. We watch as he fights Adonis and removing parts of his suit. "But how?" Robin questioned himself. "After I gave Beast Boy the serum to help him control that Beast, it was a 50/50% that the Beast may appear again." Cyborg answered. "It's because he sense that I was in danger." I reply. "Don't you see? Beast Boy turns into that Beast because Adonis was holding me down from behind." "And when Beast Boy saw that you were in danger..." Starfire stated "The Beast came loose and saved you." Robin finished. I nod and hear the howling of the Beast. "No!" I shouted.

Beast Boy had literally ripped all of Adonis' piece of the suit and left scratch marks on him. I flew to the scene fast and hoping to stop Beast Boy before the final blow. I stand in front of him and hold a shield upfront. "BEAST BOY! STOP!" And he did before hitting me. I look at Adonis who looks petrified and cowering in fetal position. I go up to Beast Boy's face and touch his face. "It's okay, Beast Boy. I'm safe. I'm here and I'm not harm from him. You protected and saved me." He looked into my eyes and see that I'm telling the truth. I place the palm of my hand on his cheek and sooth him. "We're okay now. We're all fine. I'm still here because of you." I see him sizing down and turning back into human. "Raven?" he asked. I smile and hugged him again. And this time, he hugged back. "Thank you, Raven." he said quietly. I whispered in his ear, "You're welcome."


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