Chapter 5

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(Raven's P

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

I can't believe I just ran from him after he asked me out on a date. Beast Boy asked me out. I just couldn't say anything after was is going on in my dreams and him dealing with the Beast inside him being released again. I kept on running and running until I jus stopped and just feel tears building up and flowing down my face. "Raven?" I can hear him calling from behind me. I couldn't bare to look at him right now. "Beast Boy, just leave me alone!" I told him. But I didn't hear his footsteps leaving. "Raven, why did you run from me?" he asked me. The reason I did is because I didn't want to ruin the friendship we built for a while. I also know that his heart still belong to Terra, and also, and this is the real reason, I don't know what to do on a date. I never been on one and I'm afraid that I will embarrassed him if I did. I had to use one of the reasons to give as an answer.

"Beast Boy, the reason I ran is because..." I started then hesitated. I just had to let it go. "I know that your heart still belongs to Terra and it would break mine if we did this date." I answered. That was actually true along with his heart belonging to Terra. It would break mine and I feel like he wouldn't like me more than a friend. I can hear his footsteps walking as if he's is facing me, and I feel him cupping my chin. "Look, I know I shouldn't have given you a straight answer back there but I just couldn't and I don't know how you felt if I just given you my..." I stopped talking by his lips. He kissed me, and I was in shocked, but I didn't pull back. Beast Boy is kissing me but why? He pulled back and said, "My heart doesn't belong to Terra anymore. It belongs to you." I was in shocked that he said that shocking news. "W...w...what did you say, Beast Boy?" I asked as if I was about to mumble my words

what did you say, Beast Boy?" I asked as if I was about to mumble my words

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"You're all I want, Raven. That's the reason I wanted to ask you out is because I want to be with you. Terra means nothing to me anymore. You do." He told me. I can't believe that he chooses me over Terra. But you know I'm glad that he did cause I do want to be with him and no one else and I know he would protect me from any harm now.

 But you know I'm glad that he did cause I do want to be with him and no one else and I know he would protect me from any harm now

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We kissed again and this time, I didn't go into shock. I kissed him back and it felt...nice and magical this time. I could stay like this forever but we both needed to stop soon otherwise the others would come find us like this. "Yes." I told him. "Yes what?" he asked with confusion in his tone. I just chuckled and said, "Yes, I will go out on a date with you." He looked very shocked and just pull me in and hug me. And to add more detail to it, he lifted me up and spin me around. For the first time ever in my life, I felt truly happy. "Great!" he stated with excitement. "So, how does tonight sound?" he asked me. "Tonight sounds perfect." I reply back. "Wonderful." His communicator went reminding him that he needs to be at combat practice today. "I'll see you tonight." He heads off and I just watch him go to Combat Practice.

Tonight! I just realized that I said yes to tonight. "Stupid, stupid stupid." I said to myself. I don't have a dress or whatever couples wear on dates. So there was only one person who can help me in this situation. I head over then stop at Starfire's door. 'I really need your help.' I said in my thoughts. I knock on the door and hopefully she answers. "Starfire?" I call out. I can hear the door open and I see her holding Silkie in her arms. "Raven, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked me. I took a breath and let it out. "I need your help on what to do...on a date." She looked happy and grab me in for a tight bear hug. "OH, RAVEN! SUCH GLORIOUS NEWS!" She said with excitement. "Thanks, Star. And if you're going to ask who, it's Beast Boy."

(Starfire's P.O.V.)

This is truly glorious! My fiends are going out on a date. I knew that the others would find a relationship someday after Robin and I did when we got back from Tokyo to find and take down the Brushogun. "Of course I can help you, Raven." I let her in my room and we sit at the end of my bed. "What would you like to know?" I asked her. "Well, how does a girl look and do for a guy on a date?" I can tell that she is truly nervous "Well, for one. A woman always wears a more formable dress. And she acts like she is enjoying her time with the man she loves." I said. I put Silkie down and decided to go look a the view of the city. "And one date most couple's do is go to dinner and dancing. Robin took me there once and I knew that he really did care for me more than a friend."

"And what happens after the dinner and dancing?" she asked me as to make their night more perfect

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"And what happens after the dinner and dancing?" she asked me as to make their night more perfect. "Well, for what I can recommend, you two should go to a nightly stroll at the beach and watch the moonlight over the watery ocean. It is like crystals are in the water." I said. I turn to see Raven just taking all this information in. "Raven, the most important advice I will give to you since you are my best friend, just be yourself. Beast Boy will still care for the real Raven we all knew back when we form the team." She smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Starfire. But I do need one huge favor from you." I am glad she needs my help. "What is this favor you ask from me?" I asked with anticipation in my tone. "I need you to help me...make a dress." Raven stated with confidence. "OF COURSE I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU!" I said with excitement. I pull out a measuring tape and look at to make the perfect  dress for her. "I think I have a good idea of what to make. You go on ahead a relax and I'll make the dress." I told her. She hugs me and said, "Thanks, Starfire. You're truly the greatest friend I can come to for this events." It brought joy to my heart and I see you head out of the door and I started working on the dress for her magical night.

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