Chapter 19

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

As I was about to accept the painful truth that I lost Beast Boy forever, a miracle has just happened. A white light has surrounded him and he is lifted from the ground. "What the...?" I said in shocked seeing him floating around what looks like magic. But how is this even possible? Who could've conjure up a revival spell on him. "Mother." I said to myself. And as he lies back down on the ground, his green eyes open slowly and he looked at me. "R..Raven?" He spoke. I gasped at what I'm looking at. "Did I tell you that you look more beautiful with long hair?" Beast Boy told me jokingly. I chuckled and I hug him tight. "I thought I'd lost you." I told him. He strokes my hair and soothes me. "I thought I was gone forever. But somehow, someone brought me back to my body." I look at him and stated, "It was my mother. Somehow, she conjure up a spell that revived you and brought you back to me." He touches my face and stroke my cheek. "I'm glad that she did cause there is something I wanted to ask you." I was puzzled but let him do so. He pulled out something that may be small enough to fit in his pocket. I gasped at the sight of a ring. Wait. Does this means that..."Raven, you make me the most happiest man alive and I want to share the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?" Beast Boy asked me. I was tearing up and felt happiness in me. I never thought in a million years someone has asked me to be his wife. And I'm glad it's Beast Boy doing this. "Yes." I respond on the verge of crying happy tears. "Yes, yes, yes. I'll marry you." He slid the ring on my finger and he kissed me knowing that the nightmare we both shared in the beginning is finally over.

" He slid the ring on my finger and he kissed me knowing that the nightmare we both shared in the beginning is finally over

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(Robin's P.O.V.)

"Raven hasn't been back in a while." I said to the others so I declared to get her so we can rest Beast Boy's body in a gravesite at the Tower. But when I got back to her, I couldn't believe my eyes. Beast Boy is alive and is kissing Raven. "I don't believe it." I said to myself in astonishment. "Titans, get over here! Quick!" I called out and they did and they were in shock as well. "No way!" Speedy gasped "¿El señor Beast Boy está vivo ?!" Menos asked in shocked. "Yes! He's alive!" Starfire answered with glee. They look at us and blush. Raven helped him up and grabbed the book. "Dude! How are you alive? I checked your vital scans and you had no pulse at all!" Cyborg asked his friend. "Aurelia did it." He answered back. "You mean, Raven's mother brought you back?" Starfire asked in her typical way for her not understanding either the ways of Earth or life on Azarath and its magic. "Yes, Star. My mother brought back Beast Boy not only for me, but for him in order to do this." Raven answered as she also extended her left hand revealing a ring. We all gasped at the sight of the ring, but none of us object to this happiest occasion. "¡Enhorabuena, señor y señora Beast Boy y Raven! ¡Mil más felices para ustedes dos!" Mas y Menos both stated. Starfire hugs Raven as well as Bumblebee. "Congrats, girl. You truly deserve it." Bumblebee told her friend. I go over to Beast Boy and place my hand on his shoulder. "Glad to have you back, my friend. And congratulations on the engagement." He pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. Beast Boy is like a brother to me as well as Cyborg is. "Aw, yeah, baby! My best bud is getting hitched! BOOYAH!" Cyborg exclaimed for Beast Boy. After we all settled down, we all retreated out own separates T-Ships and flown back home.

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