Chapter 11

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The H

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The H.I.V.E. Five, led by Jynx, are wrecking havoc among Jump City. "Attack pattern Alpha!" she orders and the gang just continue to destroy the city seeing citizens running from the danger zone. Then out of nowhere, a birdarang hits the ground causing them to look. "You know, H.I.V.E., if you want to wreck something for amusement, I suggest the junkyard where you belong." Robin stated. "Crud! It's the Titans!" Gizmo said angrily. Mammoth started rushing towards them, but Cyborg stops him with a punch in the jawline. "Ooof!" Mammoth grunted as he hits the ground. "TITANS, GO!" Robin call out and the team head to battle. Starfire kept shooting at Gizmo as he dodges. Robin deals with a H.I.V.E. Soldier with his metal staff. Cyborg keeps fighting Mammoth with fist punching each other seeing who is the strongest. Beast Boy deals with See-More while Raven deals with Jynx. "You know, I never thought white was a good color for battle. I consider them bad luck." Jynx stated. "Well, I consider white good luck." Raven stated back as they fight. Beast Boy turns into a cheetah and runs from See-More. "Bad move, greenie. I can find you with my eyes." See-More reminded him. He changes his eye to find where Beast Boy is hiding. "Gotcha!" he called out and hit a beam at him. Beast Boy was hit hard and falls to the ground. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" See-More laughed. Raven saw what happened and knew she had to help him

"Beast Boy, hang on!" She called to him. She used her magic to knock Jynx down and flew to fight See-More. "Next time, don't hurt him!" She warned the villain. "Yeah? And who's going to stop me?" he taunts Raven. "You were warned." she stated. "Azareth Metrion ZINTHOS!" Raven chanted and she use a near fire hydrant to rise the water and splash See-More to the ground. "AAAH!" See-More screamed as he was blast away from the powerful water. "Next time, stay away from my boyfriend." Raven stated and help Beast Boy up. "Thanks, Raven." Beast Boy thanked. She smiled and place a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, let's go helped the others." Raven stated and they ran to finish off the H.I.V.E.

 (Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

We were able to make it back. "Raven, you help Starfire, I'll help Robin." I tell her. She nods and flew to help her friend. I turn into a rhino and charge at the soldier knocking him to the closest wall. I then turn into a tiger and indicate for Robin to get on. He does so and we take another combo attack on our enemy and knock him out. I phased back into human, and Robin put his hand out for a high five and I give him one. "Nice one, Beast Boy." He thank me. "Thanks, dude." I thanked him back. We see our girls fighting Gizmo. He brings out his weapon "Starfire, look out!" Robin called out. She sees it and shoots her eye beams at it. "Crud!" Gizmo grunted. Raven appeared before him and stated, "No one messes with my family." It just gives me great joy knowing that the Titans are consider a family. Raven chanted her words and brings Gizmo down to the ground. "That's my girl." I said to myself as I watch her land down on the ground and I go to her

" I said to myself as I watch her land down on the ground and I go to her

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"Okay, Beast Boy. Calm down. I'm fine." She said to me as I gave her a hug. "Sorry. I'm just glad to know that you're okay and not seriously injured." I told her. She just smiled and we got the gang into the police loading truck as they are taken to prison. "Well, Titans. I'd say that was a job well done." Robin stated with impressiveness in his tone. "Anyone up for a slice of pizza?" he offered and they all agreed. They head over and Raven took Beast Boy's hand as they headed to the pizzeria. They took their seats and order the usual pizza they get. While waiting, Robin started a somewhat conversation into a discussion. "So, Titans. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of spell Malchior used to appear back here." Raven kept thinking the same from last night as did I, but we knew we had to talk about this situation. "I've checked through all the books that can possibly be a portal spell, but none of them could make it like the one he used to it." Raven stated. "But wouldn't Trigon have something to do with this?" I asked her. She looked at me like I found a clue. "Beast Boy, that's it!" she said with excitement. They looked puzzled. "Don't you see? The reason none of the spells could possibly work for him is because it came from my father. He created that particular spell to release Malchior!" Raven explained. She was right. As she always is.

"And now, I will still carry out my plan." Malchior's voice said from a distance. We see the wizard and he begins another fight with us. "And NO ONE WILL STOP ME THIS TIME!" He conjure up his magic and fire at us.

 "And NO ONE WILL STOP ME THIS TIME!" He conjure up his magic and fire at us

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

"TITANS! MOVE!" Robin ordered and we dodge the attack. Can this guy ever cut us a break? I put on my hood and start to gage at a battle with him. "When I beat you this time, say hello to my father in Hell." I stated. "Azareth Metrion ZINTHOS!" I chanted and shoot my own magic at him as he shoots his own at me. We are both strong in magic, but his magic has grown more darker and darker as his heart is. I can see Beast Boy turn into a lion and charge at Malchior, knocking him off his feet. "Beast Boy, be careful!" I warned him as he tries to claw at Malchior. Cyborg picks up a unloaded bus and throw it at him. Malchior dodge as well as Beast Boy. "Well, you seem more stronger than the last time we fought." Malchior spoke to Beast Boy. "That's because I have more hatred towards you." he stated. He starts to charge at Malchior, but he was stopped when Malchior changed into his dragon form and breathes fire at him, causing Beast Boy to get injured. I watch in horror seeing him hurt. "BEAST BOY!" I cried out as I fly to him. But, I was stopped by the clutches of Malchior and can't get out.

 But, I was stopped by the clutches of Malchior and can't get out

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"Not this time, Raven. I'm not letting you go from my grasp." Malchior spoke to me in a deeper voice. I keep struggling and hoping to get loose to save Beast Boy. "You won't keep me your prisoner, Malchior. Never." I growled at him. He just snicker at me and said, "My sweet Raven. I don't intend to keeping you as a prisoner. I tend to keep my queen." I gasped and kept struggling harder so the team can help me. "RAVEN!" Robin called out. Malchior turns and shoots another fire at them creating a fiery wall to block them from us. "Now, you will be my queen and we shall rule this world as one." he growled back to me. I look at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You're going to release Trigon to this world. As so I can take his power and become the ruler and conquerer of the Earth. And have you, Raven, as my queen and wife." He flies off with me still in his grasp. I try harder and harder to get loose and finished him off but my own thoughts were on Beast Boy. "BEAST BOY!" I called out. "BEAST BOY, PLEASE HELP!" I kept calling out hoping he hears me. But before I knew it, we were distance away from Jump City. "Please, save me, my love." I beg to Beast Boy.

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