Chapter 10

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The next day, the Titans were up and at it

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The next day, the Titans were up and at it. Cyborg was making breakfast while Starfire was feeding Silkie and Robin was looking up on how Malchior has returned. This gotten Robin on the brink of giving up on the research. "Ergh. There's nothing here that can be of helpful." he grunted. Starfire notices the frustration and went to his side to ease it up. "Robin," he said kindly while placing her hand on his shoulder. "We will find the answer to how the Malchior has come back and why he is after Raven." Robin placed his hand over hers knowing that she is right and always knows the exact kind of words to ease up his spirit. "Thanks, Star." he said in a gratitude tone. They smiled as they look into each others eyes.

"Alright, y'all! It's time to enjoy a great serving of Chef Cyborg's breakfast. Today's dish is a good juicy piece of steak with a side of eggs, or you have the option of sausages or toast or even bacon. Come and get it!" Cyborg called out. They went to the table and start serving their plates. And, on time, Beast Boy enters through the hall in a happy mood. "Hey, Beast Boy. You hungry?" Robin asked. "Yes, I am. I'll get something for myself." he reply back and start making his own breakfast. "Friend Beast Boy, do you know if Raven will be coming out?" Starfire asked the changeling. "Yeah. She told me she'll be out soon. She wanted to put on something more peaceful today." He answered the princess. He resumed to be what looked life tofu waffles and then start heating up a pot of herbal tea for Raven. The other Titans kept eating their breakfast except Cyborg gobbles it down like he is a wild animal devouring its prey. And as everyone was just enjoying the morning, they saw the doors slide open and were at surprise to see what they are witnessing.

 And as everyone was just enjoying the morning, they saw the doors slide open and were at surprise to see what they are witnessing

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Raven appeared in all white as she has in the past. And she seems more cheerful and peaceful. She smiles at the Titans and floats over to where Beast Boy has her tea ready. "Thanks, Beast Boy." Raven said with gratitude. Beast Boy smiled and reply, "You're welcome." She blows on it and sips her tea. The other Titans were at shock to see this new act of the relationship between Beast Boy and Raven. "Something is up with those two. Beast Boy never warms up herbal tea for Raven. And Raven is never that gratitude to Beast Boy." Cyborg noticed. Robin was a little curious about it too. "Uh, hey, Raven. I see you are wearing your white uniform. Looks good on you." Robin stated. "Thank you." she reply. Cyborg just had to ask, "I just need to get this off of my chest. May I ask why the sudden change of uniform? You usually wear blue." Raven just smile and answered, "Well, last night was just perfect when..." she grabs Beast Boy's hand "...Beast Boy asked me to be his girlfriend." Starfire was just squealing with glee. "Oh, that is wonderful, dear friends. I wish you the best of many great years together." she said with excitement. "Thank you, Star." they both thanked the princess

"But another question is, why the sudden change of emotion on you, Raven?" Cyborg asked. "Well, Beast Boy knows the answer to that." she answered. The Titans looked at him, and Beast Boy looked and he gets nervous. "I..uh..may have...helped her...get rid of the nightmares she keeps having." Beast Boy stated and turns into a mouse and scurry off. The 3 Titans looked puzzled while Raven knows the real answer. "And what did BB do?" Cyborg asked. Robin elbowed him. "What?" He asked whiney. "That's private between Beast Boy and Raven." Robin told him. "Sorry." Cyborg apologized. "It's okay, Cyborg. I'm gonna go find him." Raven stated as she finished her tea and left to go find him. "Something is up with those two." Cyborg told the others. He finished his breakfast, cleaned up his plate and decide to go see what they did last night.

 He finished his breakfast, cleaned up his plate and decide to go see what they did last night

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Raven knew that Beast Boy would scurry if the others found out what they did last night to help her forget those nightmares and they could possibly cease for good. To her, it was a truly magical night she could never forget and never could regret ever doing. "Beast Boy, you can come out." she called out. He turns back into human and goes to Raven. "They don't know what happened, did they?" he asked Raven very worrying. She pushes him to the wall and answered, "Not going to happened, Beast Boy. Robin told Cyborg that whatever happens between us is private. So, we're safe." He smiled and blushes as she does the same thing. They decided to make out but what they don't know is that Cyborg was spying on them just to see what is going on. "Oh. So they just made out last night. That's cool." He said to himself and let them have some privacy. They kept kissing until the crime alert blurted out. "TITANS, TROUBLE!" Robin cried. They stopped kissing and report to the main room. "Is it Malchior again?" Raven asked Robin. "No. It's just the Hive Five causing havoc. Move!" he ordered the Titans as the boys pile up in the T-Car and the girls flew into action.

From a distance, Malchior witness the Titans heading to the city. "So, Raven. You seem to be at peace with yourself. Whatever that wretched Beast did to you, I will undo it and you will open the portal for Lord Trigon to rise." Malchior proclaim in the distance as he feels his tail growing from behind him

"And the powerful dragon will have Trigon's power and I'll rule this planet with you as my queen and the Titans can never stop us

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"And the powerful dragon will have Trigon's power and I'll rule this planet with you as my queen and the Titans can never stop us." Malchior planned to defeating the great Lord Trigon so he could gain the demon's power and become the all-powerful dragon who will rule with a fiery fist and extinguished the Titans for good. "You will be my queen." he vows to himself. "And Beast Boy will die."

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