Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. All copyrights are owned by Cartoon Network, Warner Bros. and DC Comics. This is just a fanfic.

Jump City sounded peaceful in the dead at night. All the criminals are locked up, all the bad guys are fought and lost, and everyone in the city are enjoying the night thanks to a group of heroes who watch over them, the Teen Titans. In the middle of the night, in Titans Tower, all the Titans are fast asleep, dreaming of fighting crimes, happy thoughts, getting strong and protecting the city and the team, except for one.

Raven was feeling sweaty and kept tossing and turning as if she can't escape from this dream which feels like a nightmare. In her dreams, she kept running from a shadowy figure that seems to have a grudge on the Titan. As fast as she tries to run, it gets closer and closer to her with ever step it walks to. "AH!" she exclaimed as it appears she may have tripped and fallen on her side. As she tries to get up, the figure stand next to her. "Soon, you will be mine and we will rule this world with fear." the mysterious figure stated. He reaches out as if it was about to touch her.

Raven rises from her bed and pants. "It was a dream. More like a nightmare." she says to herself. She feels the sweat on her forehead and feels her heartbeat beating so fast. 'But why did it felt so real? And who was chasing me claiming that I will be theirs?' she thought to herself. The mysterious figure kept rolling around in her head. So, Raven got out of bed and decided to use the restroom to splash some water on her face to cool down. As she was walking towards it, she keeps thinking of what her friends would do. Cyborg would give an analysis on her heart beating rapidly. Robin would give Raven a good talk and tell her that everything is okay and they are there for her. Starfire would just hug the living daylights out of her. But Beast Boy, he was truly different. He would stay by her side and make sure she calms down and her mind is at ease ever since their battle with Malchior after he tricked her into turning into the dragon in the story.

As she enters the bathroom, she turns on the water and let it pool around the palm of her hands and splash it on her face and let it cool her down. While doing so, she kept thinking in her head, 'It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Malchior is locked up and away from my life." Once she felt cool enough from the water, Raven heads back to her room. On her way back, she saw Beast Boy's door cracked a little bit, and noticed that he isn't there. "Beast Boy?" she called quietly so she doesn't disturbed the others. "Beast Boy?" she called again. No response. That gotten Raven worried, so she resume heading back to her room where she can call for him on her communicator. "Where could Beast Boy go in this late at night? It's not normal of him to go out this late." She finally makes it back to her room and as soon as her door opens, something stops her in the dead of her tracks

" She finally makes it back to her room and as soon as her door opens, something stops her in the dead of her tracks

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She freezes as the mere sight of her worst fear standing in her room. It was Malchior back in his book form from pages of the book. "No." Raven said quietly. "Hello, Raven. Long time no see." He reply coldly. She begins to defends herself but notices that her magic isn't working. Raven can hear his snickering at the sight so she tries to rush for the alarm, but Malchior stops her and grabs her by the wrist. "Don't try to run from me. For I will come back and I will have my revenge on you and your team."

Raven opens her eyes widely and rises from her bed. "How am I dreaming on that crook who betrayed and lied to me?" She then thought to herself, 'Is he out of the book?' So she jumped out of bed, went to the chest where it's locked up, opened it and grab the book. She turns the page and see that he is still trapped. She sigh in relief and put it back in its place. "We're safe for now. I don't know how long he'll be in there but I fear he'll come back." She said to herself. Then in the middle of the night, she hear a knock. "Raven?" She hears Beast Boy's voice outside her door. She feels relieved that he's alright. "Raven, you okay? I just wanted to check on you to see if you're having a nightmare or anything." He was concerned about her.

" He was concerned about her

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(Raven P.O.V.)

I rushed out of my room and hold him hoping he is real and I'm not in another nightmare. He looked shocked and pull me back. "Uh..." he said and if he is trying to find the words to say. "If you want to know why I did that, Beast Boy. I wanted to make sure that this is reality and I'm not stuck in another nightmare." I answered. "Was it bad?" he asked right away and I just nodded. He takes my hand and asked me, "Would you like some herbal tea?" Beast was offering me to make tea for me. I smiled and reply, "I'd like that. Thank you." We make our way to the main room and he sits me down next to the table as he went to the kitchen to make my tea. I never seen Beast Boy this concerned about me ever since Malchior lied to me.

"Here you go, Raven." he said to me as he placed my cup in front of me. "Thank you." I replied and start sipping my tea. He sit across from me and asked, "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" I was surprised that he wants to know. "You want to know?" I asked very surprisingly. He nods. This is truly a different Beast Boy right here, and I like it. He really has changed a lot. "Well, for some very weird reason, I kept seeing Malchior in my dreams as kept saying that he will have his revenge on me and the team and I will be his forever. And there are times I feel like I waken up but I'm still dreaming and he keeps appearing. It's like he wants me to keep feeling afraid of his suppose coming." He look calm and takes my hand. "Is he still trapped in that book?" Beast Boy asked me. "Yes, he is. I checked before you came. I just hoped he stays there." As soon as I started feeling more relaxed and calm, the crime alert goes off. "TITANS! TROUBLE!" Robin called out. We all rushed out to action and do our job.

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