Chapter 9

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(No P.O.V.)

In a abandon warehouse, Malchior decided to communicate with Trigon to give his report on his mission. "Daemon Azareth púeros invocabo. Et uictor ego voco super mundos princeps constituunt. Trigoni Dominum meum et vocavi te." Malchior chanted and a row of the firey mark of Scath appears. "Malchior, you make speak." Trigon roared. He kneeled and began his report. "My Lord, the spell has worked and I have become human here on Earth. My magic is more stronger than before. I have found the Titans and took battle." "So, the Titans and Raven are destroyed?" Trigon asked with knowing the answer. Malchior hesitated for a moment, then reply, "Not yet, my Lord. I have faced only two of them before the others stopped me." The flames blew up as it seemed Trigon is not pleased. "YOU'RE ONLY MISSION IS TO FIND AND KILL RAVEN'S SUPPOSE MATE!!!!!!" He roared with anger. "But, Lord Trigon. I almost did killed her mate." This simmers down the fire and let Malchior continue. "I know who he is, my Lord." he stated. "It's the changeling, Beast Boy." He heard Trigon laugh menacingly "This is good, Malchior. Very good."

Malchior got on his feet and let Trigon carry out his next order for him. "What do you wish me to do now, Lord Trigon?" he begged for the demon to order. "Keep carrying out the 2nd part of your mission. Kill Beast Boy. But use whatever is necessary to lure him to his death. Even if it means...using Raven as bait." Trigon ordered Malchior. "Yes, my Lord. I will do so." Malchior stated as the mark extinguished leaving him in the silence. "Well, Raven. It seems you will be more useful to me now." he says to himself. He then feels himself changing. He knows that it means that the dragon is ready to come out. His whole body change as wings grows from his back, his hands turns into feet, his hair falls out and his eyes glowing red. The once dreaded dragon is now back as Malchior feels more and more powerful. He rises to the roof and let out a roar.

 He rises to the roof and let out a roar

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"And this time, no one will stop me. NOT EVEN YOUR PRECIOUS BEAST BOY!" he roared out in a deeper voice. He flies off to the sky and release some fire for warning.

 He flies off to the sky and release some fire for warning

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

It keeps happening again. I can't tell if that was a dream or a vision. How can I stop these horrific images cease from my mind? I turn to see Beast Boy still asleep silently. He looks truly peaceful sleeping. I get out of bed carefully so I don't wake him up. I look out the window and just watch the night sky. 'It's look so peaceful out there. I just want to savor this moment if Malchior does something drastic to take me away from Beast Boy.' I thought to myself. "Raven?" Beast Boy called out. I turn to look at him as see him at the edge of the bed. "I thought you were still sleeping." I said to him. He got up and came to my side and said to me, "I can't sleep if I know that you're okay. But I can tell by your face that you had another nightmare about him." He truly isn't that mindless. I grab him and hold him. "It was horrible." I let out. I felt him stroking my hair making it more soothing. "Please tell me about it, Raven." he pleaded wit me.

"My father has order Malchior to find and kill you." I just let it out. I can feel him holding me tight as to say that is not going to happened. "Anything else happened?" he asked in a soothing tone. I'm surprised that there is no tense in his voice. "He turned back into the dragon I thought was Rorek, and declared that no one will protect me not even you." I replied. I just couldn't bare to think of the idea of losing him. I feel tears building in my eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." He reminded me. "No one will ever separate us from any kind of threat they can throw at us." I just hold on to him. "Please, Beast Boy. Help me make these dreams go away. Help me have better dreams." I begged him dearly. He lifts me up bridal style and carries me to bed. He lays me down and we start kissing. But this kiss was more than just any ordinary kiss. It was more passionate and more hungrily. I can feel him roaming my body as I do the same. 'I knew he would do this to help me.' I thought.

' I thought

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(No. P.O.V.)

Outside of Titans Tower, Malchior just stares at where it stands and declares, "Soon, Titans. Soon all of you will tremble as Lord Trigon will rise again and claim the Earth as his kingdom. And soon, Raven. You will grieve at the loss of your mate as I send him to the burning fire of Hell." He flew back to his hideout and let out a roar in the sky to bring fear into Jump City. Hoping Raven will hear it and still be afraid of Beast Boy's life. "And soon, you will be my beloved again and we will have your mate's head on our wall as a decorative reminder of my mission. You will lose everything."


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Spellbound II: Malchior's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now