Chapter 18

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

No. He can't be dying. I can't let him leave me. He opened his eyes weakly and looked into my eyes. I give him a smile just to let him know that I'm still here. "You''re safe now. Is Malchior..." He spoke weakly I put my finger close to his lips. "Shhh. It's okay. I put him back into the book. Just rest, Beast Boy. You did great." I comfort him. "Raven...I think...I think it's my leave you." He told me. "No, don't say that. You're going to alright. We're together again. We'll get you back to the Tower and everything will be okay. I promise." I assured him. All he did after that statement was touch my face. "As long as you are safe....and he can't harm you ever mission is complete." He told me as if he looks like he may fall into a deep sleep. I cherish the feeling of his hand on my face, but it faded away as it was slipping and I see him die in front of me. "Beast Boy? Beast Boy!" I called out but he didn't respond. "No. NO! Please, don't leave me. Come back to me, Beast Boy. Please." I cried out. I hold him close to me and just kept on crying to his dead body. "I love you." I whispered to him.

I can hear Cyborg's mechanical feet stomping on the ground checking on Beast Boy and he looks depressed as did the other Titans

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I can hear Cyborg's mechanical feet stomping on the ground checking on Beast Boy and he looks depressed as did the other Titans. "I'm sorry, Raven. He's gone." Cyborg said to me carefully as to not make it anymore worse on my heart. I kept on crying and cradling his body. I kept repeating "I love you" to him as to make sure he knew in Heaven that I do love him and I would never want anyone else to take my heart. "BB was a great Titan, Raven. Now we let him rest in peace. If you want, he can be rested at the Tower so it doesn't make you feel like you're not alone and he is still close to you." Cyborg said to me and he rest his hand on my shoulder. Just the image of his tombstone got me more scared and more sad knowing that he is not coming back. "I just want him back." I told him as I kept on crying. Cyborg didn't know what else to say. He just went to the other Titans and left me alone. "Please come back to me. Come back to your Raven." I begged to him with pain and sorrow inside me.

(No P.O.V.)

"She's taking it very hard, isn't she?" Starfire asked wit concern in her tone. Cyborg nodded and Robin wraps his arm around Starfire and comfort her cause she started to cry as well. "He was Raven's true love and he died for her out of their true love." Robin stated and they leave her alone for her. "Espero que la señorita Raven esté bien después de la muerte del señor Beast Boy" Mas said with hoping that Raven is letting go of her love. "Estoy de acuerdo hermano. Esto no es saludable para ella, ya que no es saludable para todos nosotros." Menos respond to Mas. Robin look back and she is still crying for Beast Boy to come back to him. "I know. But she needs this moment right now. Raven's been through enough this week." Robin told the team. They head back to their T-Ships and waited for Raven to go back home with them. "How long do you think she will be like this?" Speedy asked Robin. "I think she won't be leaving her room for a while. She'll just come out and do something else to get her mind off of Beast Boy." Robin answered. He hears Starfire crying about her best friend's broken heart. He goes to her and comforts her telling her that Raven is going to be okay in time.

Back where Raven is, as she is still crying, she gains her voice and spoke to Beast Boy one last time. "Beast Boy, I just wanted to tell you that I wanted to thank you for that date you took me to. It was the best night of my life. You made me feel love in my heart and in me. I never had one man truly doing something so sweet and caring in my life. And when we danced, I felt like we were the only two people dancing on that floor and I couldn't ask for anything more perfect than that." Raven kissed his cheeks and just kept tearing up knowing that no matter what she does, he's gone forever. "I love you so much Beast Boy. And my heart will always stay with you forever." Raven stated one last time to the deceased Titan

Back in Azarath, Aurelia witness the whole battle through a magical mirror she conjured up after Beast Boy left. "My daughter, there is a way and I will help you get your beloved back." Aurelia said to the image of Raven. She pulled out a book of spells and found the one she needs. "Per vires autem Azarath omnes, et per amorem sui et filiae meus mihi, et ego illi, ut iubes, et vivere rursus oriri. Surge, et amor est vita tua. Surge et statim iterum heros est." Aurelia chanted and a white glowing light rises from the book and into the mirror aiming for Beast Boy. "Now you will never be alone again, Raven." Aurelia said to her daughter and another landed on her arm and she pets it watching the spell do its job.

" Aurelia said to her daughter and another landed on her arm and she pets it watching the spell do its job

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