Chapter 8

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I conjure up a shield between me and Beast Boy from his attack. "Malchior?" I gasped. "But how is that possible? You're still trapped in the book." I asked. All he did is snickered. "TELL US HOW YOU ARE BACK!" Beast Boy growled at him. "Trigon has finally given me a piece of magic that allowed me to return to your world and to carry out my mission given by him." he replied. "And what is the mission?" he growled at Malchior again. "To kill you." Malchior replied back in a sinister tone. No. What I dreamt was true. His target is Beast Boy. "NO! You're not taking away him away from me!" I shouted. I lifted the shield and flew above. "Azareth Metrion ZINTHOS!" I chanted and use an old night lamp to throw at him. Malchior dodge and shot a firing magic at me. Beast Boy was able to knock him down before he had the chance to shoot. "Stay away from my girl!" He ordered Malchior. His girl. I like it. But knowing Malchior, he'll use his lies to toy with Beast Boy's emotion. I just feared that he won't release the Beast. "Hang on, Beast Boy. Help is on the way." I phased out of my dress and into my uniform and pull out my communicator. "Raven to Titans Tower." I call out

" I call out

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(No P.O.V.)

Robin answers the distress call from Raven "Robin here. What's going on, Raven?" he answered. "We have a serious problem here. Malchior is back." It shocked Robin, Cyborg and Starfire. "MALCHIOR?!" they all shouted. She just nodded. "We need backup!" she ordered. "We're on our way!" Robin responds and disconnects the call. "TITANS, GO!" Robin call out and they were off to help. They got into the T-Car and Cyborg drives off in action. "I got a scanning location from Raven's call. They're not too far away from here." Cyborg said as they drive off. "I hope so. Cause with Malchior here, who knows what will happened to Beast Boy." Robin says with concern in his tone of voice.

Back at the beach, Malchior seems to have the upper hand as Beast Boy keeps fighting him. He turns into a T-Rex and use a tail whip on his enemy, but Malchior was quick and dodge the whip. "You'll have to be faster than that." Malchior taunted Beast Boy. Raven, on the other hand, used her magic for help. "Azareth Metrion ZINTHOS!" she chanted and bind his feet together as he falls on the sand. Beast Boy saw the opportunity and turned into a tiger and clawed on his suit which left a scratch mark on it. "AAARGH!" Malchior cried and cringe in pain. Beast Boy turns back into his human self and just stand where Malchior lays. "Sounds like you're not all that mighty without your precious dragon, are you?" he asked coldly. Malchior just cringe in pain and just did the weakest option any of their enemies could do. He threw sands in Beast Boy's eyes. "AAAAH! MY EYES, MY EYES!" Beast Boy cried out. Raven just flew down and try to helped Beast Boy, but Malchior separated them with his magic. He walked straight to the changeling as he wipes away the sand from his eyes. "Oh, come now, Beast Boy. You think that what you shared tonight with Raven is true?" he said. Beast Boy looked at him with anger. "What are you saying?" Beast Boy stated. Malchior got down to his level, and say, "Think about it. You know nothing about Raven. She doesn't even love you. And those kisses you both shared were not meant for you. She kept imagining you as me." He look at Raven, and she comfort her, "Beast Boy, don't believe him. I do love you. You are my protector and I do feel something when we do kiss." Beast Boy doesn't know who to believe but he can feel the anger rising inside him almost releasing the Beast

Spellbound II: Malchior's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now