Chapter 12

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(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

"BEAST BOY, HELP ME!" I can hear that call from Raven. I got up from where Malchior attacked me and try to run to where her voice was calling me. All I can see now is those two flying off. "Raven." I said quietly and fall to my knees and start feeling tears. She's gone. That monster took my Raven from me. I feel all the anger and vengeance inside of me. "RAVEN!!!!!!!" I shouted to the sky. "I will find you. I swear I will find you again and I will bring you home." I stated. The Titans were standing behind me worried about me. "Look Beast Boy, I know you care so much for Raven. We all do. We're family." Robin told me hoping to comfort me. "Robin, I know you're trying to calm me down, but I can't deal with it. All I can know now is how much danger she is in with Malchior." I reminded him. I still recall that moment when he broke Raven's heart. Seeing her hurt and felt useless. "BB, we're gonna get her back. I promise you that Raven will be rescued by the Teen Titans." Cyborg stated as if we're going now. I'm not gonna let them get into harm. "No, guys. This is my personal mission. I will be going out there and I'm going to find Raven." I said confidently. "Robin, I asked permission to go and find her." "Denied." Robin replied. He rejected my request? "What, why?" I asked our leader. "Because it's dangerous out there and I'm not going to let you go out there alone." he replied. "I'm going, Robin." I said. "No, you're not." he said back to me. "Robin, what would you do if you were in my situation and someone took Starfire away from you?" I asked him.

The tension between me and Robin got more tense as we just stare at each other hoping I can hear his answer on what I said to Robin

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The tension between me and Robin got more tense as we just stare at each other hoping I can hear his answer on what I said to Robin. And I know what his answer would be. I see Robin relax and came to his senses. "You're right, Beast Boy. I'm sorry." Robin apologized to me. "I give you full permission to go find Raven on your own on the request that you keep your communicator on all time in case you need backup and also to pin point your location." He added to the apology. "Thank you, Robin." I said and I extend my hand for a handshake. He took it and we shook on it. "Right now I need to get back to the Tower to see what I can find to help me on my quest." We all headed back to the T-Car and we head back home.

Back at the Tower, I went straight to Raven's room to see if I can find anything to help me either find her or to defeat Malchior for good

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Back at the Tower, I went straight to Raven's room to see if I can find anything to help me either find her or to defeat Malchior for good. "Come on, Raven. Please help me out here." I said to myself. I kept looking to all of the books she has. Nothing I searched for helped. But when I pulled out the next book I hasn't read, a piece of paper fell next to my feet. "Hmmm?" I thought as I bend down and picked it up to see what it is. On it, was a message from Raven to me. "She knew that I need something. Clever girl." I said. As I open it, an image I was shocked to see was the first thing I saw.

 As I open it, an image I was shocked to see was the first thing I saw

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It's like she drew it on here own. It looks truly touching and breath taking. Seeing that she really does love me, I found more courage and hope that I will bring her home and I will never let her go. "I promise this, Rae. I'll get you back. And Malchior will not stop me from achieving my goal." I then look back at the note and it says, "Beast Boy, if you're reading this, none of the spell books can help you. The only way you can get help is with my mother. Use the mirror you looked at that brought you and Cyborg in my mind. Focus on Azareth and it will lead you there. I know you will be strong. -Your Raven." "Azareth. Her birthplace." I stated. She was right. I have to go to Azareth. I have to find her mother and hope she can help. I grab the mirror and look directly at my reflection

 I grab the mirror and look directly at my reflection

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I do exactly as Raven wrote on her note. "Take me to Azareth. Take me to Aurelia." The mirror started to glow and I can feel myself being transported from the mirror. It was a weird feeling going from one dimension to another. I kept my mind focus on her home and while doing so, I kept saying, "I'm going to Azareth. I'm going to Azareth." I know Raven would be impressed that I can make it. Now, what felt like forever, I landed on the ground softly and look around my area. I did. "I'm in Azareth." I said. Now my next goal is to find Aurelia and asked on how I can save Raven and defeat Malchior before she gets into any harm. But for an odd reason, I felt at peace for the first time here. "You better watch out, Malchior. You you steal Raven from me, you mess with the wrong changeling." I said to myself imagining that he is listening to what I say. "And don't worry, Raven. Help is coming soon."


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