Chapter 6

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(No P.O.V.)

Malchior has been practicing his fighting skills on a dummy hoping to become stronger to fight whoever Raven's mate is. His mind is to follow whatever Trigon has given him. "That will be all, Malchior." Trigon bellowed. He stopped training and faced the fierce demon known to man. "Now, it is time for you to carry out your mission. I shall now give you the spell that will transport you to Earth and for you to find my daughter's mate and kill him." Malchior look at him with proudness in his eyes. "My greatest pleasure, my lord." Malchior bring out 5 candles, drew out the pentagram and place each of them at the corner of the symbol. 'Soon, Raven. Soon you will be mine.' he said in his thoughts. Trigon appeared to him, and hold out a scroll for the spell. "This spell can only be use for this kind of mission. It will cease if you are defeated and/or if your enemy kills you before you kill him. Do NOT fail me, Malchior. Failure is not an option," Trigon warned him. "I will do my best. Failure is not in my plans." he said to Trigon.

Malchior channels all of his magic inside him to make this work

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Malchior channels all of his magic inside him to make this work. "To make it work, you have to focus on where you want to go and what you want. It can only work if those two requirements are met while casting this spell," Trigon explained to Malchior as each of the flames of the candles are lit. "Begin." he order Malchior. "Amet in me in tenebris non invocabo Mitte ad me, ut et ego non sum de mundo pars tibi Summo studio ac deducere Ignis ardens in vitam aeternam Fiat mihi oriri oriri me Et misit illos qui mecum vinci mori!"Malchior chanted as a bright white light surrounds him as all of the pages around his body are stripped away as he is feeling transported to another place. Trigon watched at awe that it actually worked and he is off to defeat Raven and the Teen Titans. "Soon, the Earth shall be mine again!" He roared. On the other side, Malchior appeared outside of Jump City to a surprising look. " I?" he asked himself. He feels his head dizzy but something felt different to him. He felt hair on his head. "What?" he gasped. "What happened to me?" He rush to the water and see a reflection of the wizard form he once was trapped in.

 "What happened to me?" He rush to the water and see a reflection of the wizard form he once was trapped in

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(Malchior's P.O.V.)

It worked. Lord Trigon has done it. I'm free for good. I'm no longer bound to that cursed book Raven trapped me long ago. "Yes. YES! I'M FREE!" I shouted. "I'm a free man! Raven has no longer cursed me in that book. And this time, she'll never do it again." I stated to myself. But in order to start my mission, I have know exactly where she is. I conjure up a piece of paper and drew in a image of Raven. "Reperio puella. Ne illam me, et eam ad aeternum dolorem. Ne illi fatuo veniam et inveniam illum et veniam usque ad exitum eius" I cast upon it and it glows aura blue and flew to find her. It guided Malchior to Titans Tower. "Of course." he stated. "You always seemed to be at home with your 'family'. They won't be able to keep you safe from me and your father for long. I will get you and you will bring him back to Earth and his reign of terror will resume from which you have ended." I declared at the sight of the Tower. "You cannot hide from me forever, Raven. This charm will lead you to me and your suppose mate." he snickered. "His demise will be very soon. Whoever he is, I will kill him. And no one will save you." I laugh menacingly. I keep laughing as the mark of Scath appeared on my forehead and I feel my dragon form returning from its demise. "THE END WILL COME!!!!" I declared to the abyss hoping Raven will hear my warning.

 "THE END WILL COME!!!!" I declared to the abyss hoping Raven will hear my warning

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

My eyes opened wide open and I gasped. "What? Is he here?" I asked very worrying. I can't let that keep messing with me. I have to stay positive on tonight. 'Tonight!' I just realized. I have to be ready for my date with Beast Boy in a couple of minutes. I just hoped Starfire finished the dress otherwise I'll just have to look like this. "No, don't jinx it, Raven. Starfire has it covered. She probably has it done by now. Just go splash some water in your face and hopefully you'll still be ready before Beast Boy comes get you." I reminded myself. I got up and head to a sink and put water in my eyes hoping that...whatever I just a dream. I look at the chest tempting to check before I go, but Beast Boy is my #1 priority now. I head over to Starfire's room asking her if the dress is done. 'You better have it ready, Star.' I warned her in my thoughts. I knock on her door. "Starfire?" I called. Her door opened and she has that giddy look on her face. "What is it?" I ask her. "Your dress is ready, Raven. And Beast Boy is going to love it." she told me. I went in and I was at surprised. "It''s perfect. Thank you, Starfire." I said and I give her a hug showing my appreciation for her. Tonight is going to be a great one. Cause I am with Beast Boy and that is all I want tonight.

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