Chapter 13

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This place is truly peaceful here. No wonder Raven came here for guidance when she was in trouble. But now, it's my turn to look for her mother. "Aurelia!" I keep calling out. I searched and searched and searched until I was running out of energy. "Aurelia, I need your help. Please." I kept calling out for her. No response. So I decided to take a break and rest and then I would begin my search again. "Raven, I'm sorry I failed you. I should've fought for you harder. But I didn't and I failed you." I talk to myself. I truly regret letting her get capture and taken from me. "Please, don't give up on me, Raven." "You know my daughter?" a voice told me from a distance. I got up and turned around and looked at a woman who look exactly like Raven. "Aurelia?" I asked. She nods and told me, "You must be one of my daughter's friends from her team. Beast Boy, correct?" she said to me. I nod. "Come with me. Raven told me that someone would come to me if anything happens to her." We head inside and hopefully the answer to my search

" We head inside and hopefully the answer to my search

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(No P.O.V.)

"To what has happened to Raven?" Aurelia asked Beast Boy. He heisitated to tell her what came upon Raven, but he knew he had to get it out of his mouth and say it. "Raven has been taken by a villain by the name of Malchior. He has the power to turn into this all-powerful dragon that he tricked her into getting. We thought she locked him up in the book again..." Aurelia stop her trek and turn to the changeling. "What book?" "A white one." he answered. Aurelia was looking more worried than ever. "Do you remember when Raven got that book?" He shook his head. "All I know is that he was trapped in the book and taught her dark magic that also made him switch from a wizard to a dragon." He explained. "I feared that Raven would run into that book. We have to stop Malchior before it's too late." Aurelia quickens her pace and Beast Boy follows. "What do you mean, before it's too late?" Beast Boy asked with concern in his voice. She didn't answer quite yet. "AURELIA, PLEASE! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPENED TO RAVEN?" he asked her in a loud tone. She stops and turns at the changeling with sadness in her eyes

 She stops and turns at the changeling with sadness in her eyes

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"Malchior is more powerful that she expects. Not only can he make her his wife, but he can also drain even the most powerful being whether they're human or supernatural." Aurelia explained. Beast Boy just realized what she meant. "He's gonna take Trigon's power when he comes back!" he realized. "What can I do to stop him?" he pleaded to Aurelia. She thought to herself and then came up with the answer. "You have to form into the same creature Malchior has the power to do himself." Beast Boy was in shocked. He has to turn into a dragon to fight Malchior. "But I can't. I don't have it in me. I never have a dragon inside of me. Only different variety of animals and a Beast." Aurelia places her hands on his shoulders. "I know you can do it, Beast Boy. Come. I will help you find it inside of you." She told him as she leads him down to a room where he can concentrate.

"Now, I want you to do is to sit and focus." she instructed. Beast Boy does so and focuses. He tried hard and hard to see if he can feel the creature in him being released. Nothing yet. He tried again and again, but still Beast Boy doesn't feel a thing growing inside. "Nothing. Aurelia." he told her in disappointment. "Keep trying. I know it is in you." she instructed him again. He takes a deep breath and tries again. 'Come on, Beast Boy. Get that dragon to come out.' he said in his thoughts but overtime he failed, he started to get angry with himself.


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"AURELIA, I JUST CAN'T DO IT! I JUST KEEP FOCUSING ON THE DRAGON AND NOTHING!" He yelled at in defeat. He just slumped down and feeling more and more defeated than before. "There's your problem. The dragon you are hoping for can't be released by just simply focus on it. It can be released by only on what you are fighting for. And I know you are fighting for Raven. I know you have her heart and she has yours. Remember, it's the same thing with that Beast you have inside of you." She explained to Beast Boy hoping to ease his tension. He looked up and said, "You know that I love your daughter?" he asked her. She smiled and said, "Yes, I do. Cause she is the same with you." She sits next to him. "Now, this time, I want you to focus on Raven. Focus on the love you have for her and focus on defeating Malchior and bringing her home same." Aurelia instructed one last time. He takes a deep breath and relaxes and focuses on Raven. All the times they fought evil together, the good times they shared, and more importantly, when she hugged him after she got her heart broken.

(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

I can feel it. I can feel the dragon flying around me wanting to come out and fight for Raven. "It worked. Aurelia, it worked! I can feel it inside of me!" I said very excitingly. She smiled and said, "I knew you were strong enough. Now, you must return to your world and end Malchior's plan before you lose Raven." She is right. I have to get back and save Raven. "But before I do, there is something I must ask you personally." I told Aurelia. "And what is it?" she said wondering. "I was have Raven's hand in marriage." I said boldly. She gasped and answered, "Yes, you can have my blessing for her hand. You really do want to marry her?" Aurelia said with joy in her tone. I nodded and said, "Raven means the whole world to me. I would die for her." Aurelia hugs the changeling and said, "Thank you." We head to where I met her, and she opened a portal that can lead me back to Earth. "I just wished you can be there to watch her get married." I told her before I jumped though the portal. "I'll be watching." I said. He nodded and jumped into the portal. "Good luck, my friend. And protect my daughter." She said to him before the portal closes. A bird lands on her arm and she pets it.

 A bird lands on her arm and she pets it

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