Chapter 7

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(Beast Boy's P

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(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

I'm out in the city since I want Raven to get enough time to get ready. So, I went to the flower shop to possibly get her maybe a flower or a bouquet of roses for her. "Hmmmm. What would you be perfect for Raven?" I think to myself. One of the workers there notice me looking around and came up to me asking, "Can I help you, sir?" I look at her and said, "Yes, I'm going on a date tonight and I was hoping to get something special for this girl." She smiled and showed me a set of roses in different colors. "Is this a first date?" I nodded and said, "Yes it is. And I'm looking for any blue flowers or roses." I know Raven's favorite color is blue so I thought she find it touching that I get her some roses or flowers. "I think I know what to do." The employee suggested. She got a big stack of blue roses and put them in a bouquet. "That is perfect." I said. We went to the cash register and I pay for it. "I hope Raven likes them." She told me. I was at shocked. "How did you know?" I asked her very timidly. She looks at me with a smile. "She is the only one on your team who ever wears blue. And I saw that you were protecting her from Adonis. You really do care for her." She is right. I'm very protective of Raven and I am no longer afraid to admit it. I just hope tonight, I can make her my girl so no one can take her away. She hands me the roses and I head back to the Tower. "These are just perfect for Raven."

Robin and Cyborg saw me coming in with roses and were all puzzled. "What?" I asked. "It's for Raven." I explained. Cyborg knows that I'm going out tonight, but Robin seemed a bit surprised about this news. "Beast Boy, I'm happy that you two are going out, but why did you get roses for her?" Robin asked me. "Well, since this is the first night we're going out, I thought I'd make it special with this. Just to show how much I appreciate her allowing me to take her on a date." I explained to Robin. He understand. He felt that way ever since Starfire and him admitted their feelings after our job in Tokyo. "Is she ready, Cy?" I asked Cyborg. He just shrugged and I left to go get her. "Oops. Probably get more appropriate for her." I reminded myself. I head to my room and just put on formal clothing. I try to keep my hair down, but no luck. "Oh, come on! I don't need this right now!" I argue with my hair. I keep making it look truly presentable but it just wouldn't let me do so. So I gave up on the hair and head out to get Raven. My heart is racing so fast that I can't believe it's going to happened. 'Relax, Beast Boy. Don't rush this. It's going to alright.' I thought to myself. I arrived in front of Raven's door and took a moment to reel it all in me. "Okay. This is it." I said to myself. I took a deep breath and knock on the door. "Raven?" I called out. I wait to see if she is still there. "I'll be out in a moment, Beast Boy." she told me behind her door. "Take your time." I respond. I just waited outside her door and then I hear it open. When she step out of her room, I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked absolutely beautiful.

 She looked absolutely beautiful

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