Chapter 15

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(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

"You think you're so tough, Malchior? Not anymore. I'm getting in there and I will save Raven and I will stop you." I stated as I wait to make my move into the castle. Lucky for me, Aurelia transported me where Raven is held and I didn't have to find it through the air. It would make it too obvious for him to strike down. I could've gone under water but I didn't trust the temperature he could've have it under or over. I see him walking back inside and that was my signal to go and find a way to get to her without being noticed. But knowing that demon, he possibly sets traps ready for me. So, my best bet is to see where Raven is and get to her from the outside. "Maybe if I turn into a bat, I can use the super hearing and hear her voice." I said to myself. And it would make logical sense. So, I turn into a bat and fly around the castle waiting for any sound coming from her whether it's a cry or a plea, I will find her.

I kept circling around the castle for a while until I picked up a cry. It had to be her, I know it. I can feel it. I keep following the cry and it led me straight to a open window. One thing Malchior didn't think about is making glass windows where he could lock me out. 'Sometimes, I don't think he is that wise.' I thought to myself. When I reached the window, I couldn't believe my eyes. Raven was in feeble position and just crying her eyes out. "Please, Beast Boy. Please come and get me. I need you." I hear her cry. It breaks my heart to see her like that. I morph back into my human self and land quietly to the ground. "Raven." I just simply said and she looked up. She was in shocked to see me appear from the window still. "B..B...Beast Boy?" Raven asked with hope in her tone. "Yes, Raven. I'm here for you. I alway knew that our love with bring us together again." She got up and ambushed me with a hug. "Never leave me again." Raven begged me. I stroke her hair and whispered, "Never in a million years, Raven."

(Raven's P.O.V.)

I knew he'd come for me. I knew he would never give up. "How did you get here?" I asked him while holding on to him to dear life. "Your mother helped me. After I left Azarath, she opened a portal for me and she transported me right here." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Mother helped? You actually made it to my home?" I said to Beast Boy with astonishment. "Yes. Aurelia even helped me find a way to defeat Malchior." He has something to defeat our enemy? I knew i can rely on him. "Is it the Beast?" I asked. I just assumed it was since it protected me from Adonis twice. "I'll explain later. Right now, I have to let the other know I made it okay." he said. I nodded but I held on to his arm cause I don't want him to let go of me. "Beast Boy to Titans Tower, come in." Beast Boy called out. "Cyborg here. You made it, dude?" Cyborg asked on the other end. "Yes. I have Raven with me. We're gonna head back home." Beast Boy stated back. "Okay, man. Be careful. Both of you." Cyborg reminded him and ended the contact. "Come on, Raven. We have to go." I nodded and we start to head out the window, but we were stopped by Malchior in his dragon form. "Not again." I said in a timid voice again.

"Leaving so soon?" Malchior taunted us

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"Leaving so soon?" Malchior taunted us. "Yes. I'm leaving with him. You can't stop us." I said with bravery in my voice. "And I will make sure you don't take her away from me." Beast Boy said. I take his hand and he grasps onto mine. "We stay together and we are strong together." he said to Malchior. We hear him roar and he grabs Beast Boy. "NO! LET HIM GO!" I begged to Malchior. "Of course, my dear. I'll let him go. TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA!" He roared at me and throws Beast Boy all the way to the water and I can Beast Boy screaming, "RRRRRRAAAAAVVVVVEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" I start to fly to him, but I was captured again by Malchior. "I'm glad you came out to play, my darling. The new moon is tonight and it is time to release the demon to our world." He growled to me. "No." I said in more braver than before. "You have no choice." I look up and the new moon has begun and the red marks appear again. "No. Beast Boy, I'm sorry." I said in defeat. As Malchior was about to admit victory to himself, we hear a distant roar from the water. "Huh?" I said in curiosity. "What is that?" Malchior said with curiosity in his word. Then, out of nowhere, we see something giant and green rising from the water. "Beast Boy." I said. "Impossible!" Malchior growled. Beast Boy has become a dragon of his own. Mother, thank you for helping my beloved. Now it's time to fight fire with fire.

 Now it's time to fight fire with fire

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