Chapter 16

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(No P.O.V.)

Both Malchior and Raven are at awe at what Beast Boy can turn into now. The dragon that Aurelia helped released for his battle. "So, you're able to be able to turn into one as well?" Malchior taunts him. Beast Boy roars at him in return. "Well, at least you're not as strong as you." Malchior puts Raven down on top of the castle and start a fight with Beast Boy. Raven just watch as her beloved fights their enemy. "Beast Boy. Please, be careful." Raven ask the green dragon. Beast Boy makes the first move by trying to bite at the neck of Malchior. He did so, and Malchior roars in pain as I can see some blood oozing out of the neck. Malchior tail whips him but Beast Boy was able to dodge since while sinking his teeth in the neck. "I got to call the Titans." Raven said as she grabs the communicator still attach to parts of her uniform. "Come on, guys. Help us." Raven pressed a button on the device and it starts blinking and a signal sound.

Back at the Tower, a alert went off around the building and the three remaining Titans enter the main room and Robin heads to the main computer

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Back at the Tower, a alert went off around the building and the three remaining Titans enter the main room and Robin heads to the main computer. "It's Raven!" Robin exclaimed. "She gave us the pin point to where they are. TITANS, GO!" They head to the T-Ship and set it for launch. "Cyborg, do you have the coordinate on your monitor?" Robin called out. "Affirmative. We should be there in T-minus 15 mins." Cyborg called back. "Starfire, what's all stats on engines and weapons?" He contacted the princess. "100%" Starfire stated back. "Then let's hit it! LAUNCH!" Robin ordered and they fly off to action. "Raven, come in!" Robin called out and Raven answered immediately, "Raven here. Robin, I'm glad you called." "Where's Beast Boy?" He asked Raven. "He's fighting Malchior." She answered their leader. 'That doesn't surprise me.' Robin thought to himself. "How is he doing?" She waited for her answer. "He's doing great. Please hurry." She reply. "We're on our way." Robin stated and disconnected. "We have to hurry. We don't know what can...WHOA!" They all stared as two dragons are fighting each other. " one of them Beast Boy?" Starfire asked Robin. "I believe so, Star. I don't know how it is possible."

(Raven's P

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

"Beast Boy!" I warned him. Beast Boy looked at me but he didn't feel the claws from Maclhior scratching on his back and he howled in pain "NO!" I screamed seeing him in pain. He falls to the ground and morphed back into his human self. I teleported back and I can see half of his suit ripped from the battle and there is blood flowing out from him. "No, Beast Boy. Don't be dead." I begged to him. I hear no response. He must've been knocked out when he landed hard on the ground. I placed a kiss on his lips hoping that would wake him, but nothing happened. Just as things didn't get any worse, I see Malchior returned back to human. "Now that he is finished, we have some unfinished business to take of, my queen." He said to me as I just look at Beast Boy unconscious. "No. Never." I said with anger. "You can just go back to Hell where you belong, you bastard." I swore at the wizard. I got up and fight him but he was more stronger. "Stop denying your destiny. You will give me my goal. Release your father." "Let...her...go." We heard Beast Boy groggy and he tries to get up. "What will you do if I don't?" Malchior taunts him. 'Don't do it, Beast Boy. Go and rest.' I said in my thoughts. "You don't want to know, Malchior. Just let my Raven go." He warned Malchior. "Never, worthless. She is staying with me and there is no animal in you that can stop me." Malchior stated. "Well, you forgot one animal in me that can match up to you." He warned the wizard. He's not serious is he? After that, I see Beast Boy getting angry and his whole body went into a agonizing transformation. "No." I said quietly. He's turning into the Beast. "RAVEN, RUN!!!!!!" Beast Boy bellowed at me as he keeps transforming. I finally got loose from Malchior and ran into the forest while Malchior stood his ground. The Beast was finally released and took a stance "Now, let the fight begin." Malchior said to the Beast and the Beast howled to the moon.

" Malchior said to the Beast and the Beast howled to the moon

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(No P.O.V.)

The Titans land the T-Ship in a safe distance away from the battle where they saw Beast Boy and Malchior battling it out for Raven. But in doing so, they set off a trap by releasing stone creatures coming to life. "Robin, we got trouble out there! It seems ol' Mal set a trap for us." Cyborg reported. "It's not attended for us. It was for Beast Boy." Robin said with determination. He ejects himself from the ship and lands on the ground ready for fight. "And we do what we always do, guys. WE FIGHT!" He pulls out his staff and starts fighting off the creatures. They show no sign of injury. Cyborg shoots his sonic cannons and bits of them crumbled. "BOOYAH!" Cyborg called out. Starfire shoots her Star Beams and her Eye Beams and came to the same result. "Robin, it's time for another Sonic Boom." Cyborg called out

Robin put a smirk on his face and pulls out his disk and they shoot a combo attack of Sonic Boom destroying all the stone creatures in it's path

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Robin put a smirk on his face and pulls out his disk and they shoot a combo attack of Sonic Boom destroying all the stone creatures in it's path. "GLORIOUS!" Starfire cheered as she join the two for a victory high five. But as they hoped they are gone, more rises and charges at the team. "God Damn it." Robin swore as they get ready for the 2nd fight. But out of nowhere, a huge black beam hits the pack and pushes them to the water. "Nobody hurts my family." They hear Raven's voice and they rush to her. "RAVEN!" They all called out and Starfire hugs her with joy to see her best friend safe. "Glad you are safe." Starfire told her friend. "I'm glad to be with you guys again." Raven reply back. Cyborg pulled out one of her spare robes and covers her up. "Raven, where's Beast Boy?" Robin asked. She looks back and she simply said, "He's fighting Malchior as...The Beast." They are in shocked and Robin said, "Well, this is his fight now." They hear a howl and rush to see the scene and see The Beast and Malchior on top of the castle. "This is it." Cyborg stated. As to tense up the fight, it starts to rain. "I can't let him die up there." Raven to herself and she runs back into the castle and to be by Beast Boy's side. The other Titans sees it but they don't stop Raven. "Raven!" Starfire called out, but Robin stop her "Let her go, Star. She has to do this for Beast Boy. For their love." Robin said to her knowing that she would do the same for Robin if they were in their shoes.

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