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Morning came, and the Titans are all rested and eased after last night's battle

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Morning came, and the Titans are all rested and eased after last night's battle. "Cyborg, anything on the scanners after last night?" Robin asked. "Negative. Nothing has happened after Raven trapped Malchior back in the book. And the area where his castle was is now gone along with the forest it was surrounded by." Cyborg reported back. "And I have not seen anything supernatural or phenomenal occurring within anything Raven can sense with her mind." Starfire also reported. "Then it's over. For now." Robin stated. "We may have stop Trigon this time, but who knows when he'll strike again." Starfire stands by him and give his an assuring look that they are done for now. "Robin, let's not make things worse for Raven's sake." the princess asked her beloved. He nodded and they sat down by the couch. "Where are BB and Raven?" Cyborg asked. "We're letting them sleep for as long as they need to. They've been through quite enough today and they need a good rest so they can focus on their wedding plans." Robin answered and the Titans just decided to do their ordinary routines when they're not fighting crime or stopping evil. Cyborg play a fighting game while Starfire went to care for Silkie and Robin head out to combat practice.

In a room that the Titans made for Beast Boy and Raven after they got home, they are lying together in their arms asleep

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In a room that the Titans made for Beast Boy and Raven after they got home, they are lying together in their arms asleep. Raven hasn't have a nightmare in a while and it is probably from being in her fiancé's arms and feeling his warmth. Beast Boy started to wake up and he sees his Raven sleeping peacefully. He strokes her hair softly and gently so it doesn't wake her up. He just smiles at her sleep while doing so thinking, 'I promise, Raven. As long as you are with me, and you are by my side, no one will ever come between us and our wedding. You are my #1 priority now and always will be. I love you, Raven. And I will never stop loving you." And by instinct, Raven spoke in her sleep. "I love you too, Beast Boy." He knew that she can hear his thoughts and just let her do so. He keeps stroking her hair and let her keep sleeping. And sooner or later, sleep has consumed him again and he fell into a deep sleep joining Raven. And while doing so, both of them can hear the same song they heard at their first date and knew that it was something truly special to their hearts.

*In their dreams*

Beast Boy is seen in his suit he wore and Raven is wearing her flowing gown she wore and they both entered a ballroom with a chandelier hanging over by their heads. He gives her a bow and she curtsy for him and they both take arms and they start dancing again to the song like they were on the date. She kept smiling while they were dancing and he does the same to her. She feels like they can keep dancing forever as long as she is with Beast Boy. He lifts her up and spins her around like a prince would for his princess and they kept their smile on their faces just being truly in love with one another. Raven then rests her head on his shoulder and he rests on her forehead just feeling the protection of his love one coursing through his body. He just look at how beautiful Raven is to him and he couldn't bare to lose her again after getting her back. 'Don't let me go.' Raven asked him in their dreams. 'Never. Not in a million years.' Beast Boy responded back. They stare into their eyes, and they share a passionate kiss.

 They stare into their eyes, and they share a passionate kiss

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*End of dream*

Raven started to wake up and kisses him on the cheek hoping that would wake him up. He stirred a bit and he started waking up and he looks at his Raven. "Morning, beautiful." He greeted her. "Morning." She greeted back. She lays on his chest. "How did you sleep last night?" Beast Boy asked her. She just smiled and answered, "Like I have slept for a long time and I didn't want to wake up. But now I do want to wake up and to have my morning with you." He smiled and kisses her head. "Beast Boy, how did you do it? How did you not stop fighting and almost won?" She asked him. "When you shouted no during my fight with him, I saw you and I realized that I am fighting for you. Even though he was fighting for power, I was fighting for love. And I believed that love was truly my strength and my power to overcome my enemies. And your love for me made me more stronger by the minute." Beast Boy answered straight away knowing that she was going to ask but he was ready to answer it. She just smiled at him and said, "Well, now we have a more important event to focus on. Our wedding." "And that is something worth fighting for as long as we're with the Teen Titans and together." She got up and look at the sunrise. He wraps his arms around her and they look out to the horizon seeing what the near future will bring to them as long as love is with them and they remain strong together to prove that not even a spellbound can separate them.

 He wraps his arms around her and they look out to the horizon seeing what the near future will bring to them as long as love is with them and they remain strong together to prove that not even a spellbound can separate them

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