Chapter 4

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Later on in the day, Cyborg asked Beast Boy if he wanted to play some video games with him just to get his mind off of Malchior and releasing the Beast, so Beast Boy said, "Sure, dude

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Later on in the day, Cyborg asked Beast Boy if he wanted to play some video games with him just to get his mind off of Malchior and releasing the Beast, so Beast Boy said, "Sure, dude. And this time, I'm gonna beat you." Cyborg laugh and said, "HA! In your dreams, BB. We both know that you can't beat me." So they head to the main room and start playing a racing game. 'You know, I really do need this. Being constantly worried about Raven and controlling that creature in me has me stress out so much.' Beast Boy thought to himself. As the game started, Cyborg is already ahead of Beast Boy and this upsets him a little. Little does Cyborg knows that Beast Boy has developed a new strategy to finally win.

In Raven's room, Raven has been looking through so many books to see what Malchior can do to came back to Earth. "There's nothing in here that either Trigon nor Malchior can do to rise back. Something tells me that they found a way that I can't find in a book." she says to herself while researching. This is frustrating her. "Errgh, I can't take this. I need to find the answer before it's too late and The End does happened again. NO! I won't allow it. I worked hard to win everything I earned. I won't lose my friends. I won't lose my home. And I will NOT lose Beast Boy." She then decides to meditate around her books and just concentrate. Then, shockingly, she had a vision. Of Malchior and Beast Boy fighting while Beast Boy is the Beast. Malchior seems to have the upper hand and is about to kill Beast Boy. "I knew you were never strong, Beast. Raven never loved you. She loves me still. And her heart is mine again. She'll see you again in the Afterlife." He raised his sword and as he is about to plunge through Beast Boy, Raven opened her eyes in horror. "BEAST BOY!" she shouted. Raven can't imagine him dying as the Beast. Then it came to her that she was suppose to watch Beast Boy so he doesn't lose his temper. She puts the books down and went to find him

 She puts the books down and went to find him

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(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

As always, Cyborg thinks he is going to win against me again, but what he doesn't know is that I been practicing different moves to actually win a race. I wanted to wait for the right moment to pull it off. I can hear him taunting me, "You wanna pass me? You can't pass me. You never can pass me." I saw an opening on the track and I think it's a good chance to use my secret move. "Oh, Cyborg." I said childishly. He looked at the screen and at shocked. "YOU ACTUALLY PASS ME!" he shouted. I hit the turbo and crossed the finish line. "YES! I DID IT! I FINALLY BEAT CYBORG AT VIDEO GAMES!" I cheered. I do a funky dance move as Cyborg just mopped that he lost to me for the first time. "Man, how did you do it? How did you actually beat me?" he asked me and it was easy to answer. "Simple. I have been practicing different ways to win a race. Most of them fail and most of them were successful. And when you let me that opening at the very end of the race, I took that advantage and hit the turbo and won." I said proudly. After that, Cyborg bitterness face turned into pleasing. "I got to hand it to you, BB. You did a great job." he said. "Thanks, dude." I said as we shook hands.

I sit back down next to Cyborg and we just relax. "So, Cy." I started a conversation. "Is there any special ladies in your life?" He looked puzzled, and said, ", not really. I don't think there is a girl out there for me." he said. But I know that he does has one. "What about you and Raven?" he asked me. I just looked shocked and just fumble my words around, "Uh...wha....I don' makes you think there is something between me and her?" I asked back. He has that smirk on his face. "Come on, BB. It's obvious there is something going on between you and her." That is just like Cyborg to me. He always has to make a snide comment. "Cy, there is nothing going on between me and Raven. She is just a friend, a great teammate, a loyal Titan, and..." I stopped my sentence and I can feel her behind me. "...she's standing behind me, isn't she?" I said. He nod and I look at her. "You two were talking about me?" Raven asked us. Cyborg just smiled and I look irritated on him.

 Cyborg just smiled and I look irritated on him

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(Raven's P.O.V.)

After that terrible vision of the fight I saw, I had to go find Beast Boy just to make me feel better. I kept running until I bumped into Robin and we both fall on the floor. "Robin! Sorry for bumping into you." I said apologetic. Robin got up and extend his hand to me. "No worries, Raven. What's with the rush?" He asked concerning. I take it and he helps me up. "Just looking for Beast Boy." I reply. Robin just said, "He's playing video games with Cyborg." I nod and thank him and head there. As I made it through the hallway, I saw those two playing a racing game. Typical those two gamers would be playing right now, but thinking about it, Beast Boy could use a distraction after what happened today. Watching Cyborg taunting him of him not passing him. So, I stay behind and watch. And to my amusement, Beast Boy actually did do it and Cyborg shouted, "YOU ACTUALLY PASS ME!" I couldn't believe my eyes. Beast Boy beats him. 'How did he do it?' I thought to myself. Cyborg asked the same question to him and he simply says that he practiced different ways to win. That impressed both Cyborg and me. "Way to go, Beast Boy." I cheer quietly.

Later on, they take about girls and I couldn't believe my ears has heard. "What about you and Raven?" he asked Beast Boy and he just fumble his word. It's obvious he does care for me and doesn't want to ruin the friendship we built. "Cy, there is nothing going on between me and Raven. She is just a friend, a great teammate, a loyal Titan and..." he stopped as I stand behind him as he finished his sentence, "...she's standing behind me, isn't she?" Cyborg nods his head and Beast Boy looks at me. "You two talking about me?" I asked them. Cyborg just smiled and Beast Boy just looked irritated feeling he was humiliated by his friend. I head over to make a cup of tea and keep a good look on the two

(Beast Boy's P.O.V.)

"Thanks a lot, Cyborg. Now I probably look like a complete idiot in front of Raven." I said to him. "BB, it's okay if you like her more than a friend." Cyborg commented. Then he got a look on his face like he had an idea. "Dude, here's an idea. Why don't you ask Raven on a date?" I look petrified and simply ask, "Why should I?" I look at her as she looks at me. "Just by the way you two look at each other, you two deserves a date. Go and ask her. You'll never know what happens if you don't give it a try." Cyborg stated. He's right. I should do it but I want to do it carefully. So, I got up and decide to come behind her and want to hold her. She seems to like it cause I can see her smile. 


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"Hi." I said. She replied back, "Hi." Just feeling her hand over on mine makes it feel more warm and magical. "Listen, I want to ask you something if it's okay." She turns and looks at me. "Raven, would to go...on a date...with me?" I asked her. She was in shocked and looked like she has nothing to say. All she did now was rush out and through the doors leaving me in the hallway. "RAVEN!" I decided to follow her and see what is wrong with her.

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