The Fight

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Ethan's POV

I gasped slightly. "That's Zach?"

I turned towards Ms. Myers, who was nodding. "Keep watching. I bet you'll learn something." She whispered. I did.

"If they really are your 'friends', do they know what happened at this school?" Zach asked. (Y/n) didn't answer, and he smirked. "Thought so. Of course, you would never tell anyone about your disorders. Or your anxiety. Or the fact that you depend on people too much. Or the fact that you were bullied all throughout high school, and for parts of middle school. If they knew that, they wouldn't be your friends anymore. They wouldn't like you. Just like me."

(Y/n) looked like she would loose it. "Zach, please. Don't say this."

Zach narrowed his eyes. "Stop begging. You're making yourself look weaker than you already are."

(Y/n) gritted her teeth. "Go. Away." Zach turned to walk towards the gym, until he turned around, fingers balled up into fists, and swung at her.

(Y/n) stumbled back, and Ms. Myers ran towards them. "That's quite enough. (Y/n), head to the office. Now."

Zach scoffed. "For what? She's been through worse."

(Y/n) turned in our direction, tears streaming down her face, and ran past us. Amy quickly ran after her, and we turned back to Ms. Myers.

"Zach, follow me to the principal's office. You have a lot of explaining to do." Ms. Myers turned to us. "Boys, go straight down that hallway, and take a right. It should be the third door on your left." We nodded and ran in that direction.

Your POV

You sat in the nurses office, curled up into a ball, and cried. Amy stood there, rubbing your back comfortingly and helping you calm down. After a while, someone sat next to you and wrapped their arms around you. You leaned towards them, still crying.

Someone spoke up. "Want to tell us about it?" You looked up, and saw Mark and Amy standing side by side, and Ethan was hugging you.

You wipe your tears away. "I... don't think I can." Ethan's breath hitched, and he held you tighter.

Amy shook her head. "Is that what you were so afraid of? For us to see Zach?"

You shrugged. "That, and for you to know all of the other stuff."

Mark shook his head. "We need to know this, (Y/n). How else can we help you?"

You suddenly snapped. "I don't need help!" Ethan let you go, Mark widened his eyes, and Amy took a step back. You took a deep breath. "Sorry, sorry..." Mark calmed down, Amy stepped forward, and Ethan grabbed one of your hands.

Ethan tried to speak. "What-" He said, but his voice cracked. He took a deep breath and tried again. "What all is it? That you have?"

A tear fell down your face. "Bipolar disorder. I depend on people too much and I was bullied for half of middle school and all of high school. I also have depression and anger issues." Ethan gripped your hand tightly, while Amy and Mark leaned down to hug you.

"You've got it bad." Amy said, and you giggled slightly. "I'm guessing the stuff with Zach didn't help you." You shook your head.

Suddenly, the nurse walked in and saw everyone. "Who are you all in here, for?" Everyone pointed towards you, and she smiled. "Really, (Y/n)? You're here for not even a whole day, and you already landed yourself here."

Mark, Amy, and Ethan looked confused, but you giggled slightly. "You know me, Mrs. Drevis. Always getting into fights." You faked a smile, and Ethan let go of your hand so he could wrap an arm around your waist. You leaned towards him and laid your head on his shoulder.

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