It's a Boy

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2 months later
Your POV

"God, I'm so nervous." You sighed.

Ethan took his right hand off of the wheel and held your hand. "It's okay, I'm nervous, too. But I'll love the baby, no matter what gender it is. And I'm sure you will, too."

You smiled and put your hand over your stomach. "Yeah, I will." You looked out the window. "At least my mom accepts me now. By the way, you still haven't told me what the two of you talked about."

Ethan grinned. "You still remember? It's been 2 months."

You nodded. "I have excellent memory." The two of you laughed.

"You don't need to know." Ethan said, his laughter gone, but a smile on his face. "At least you're happy."

You grinned, leaning your head on Ethan's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm happy." You kissed his cheek as he pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office. The two of you got out of the car, Ethan helping you when you struggled. The two of you walked in together.

A couple minutes after Ethan signed you in, a doctor came through the door. "Mrs. Nestor?"

You slowly stood up from the chair you were sitting in and raised an eyebrow at Ethan, who linked arms with you. "My last name isn't Nestor."

Ethan grinned. "Whoops, my mistake."

He followed the doctor, his arm still linked to yours, and walked into a room. He walked you to the bed and let go, letting you lie down yourself. He sat next to you, holding your hand, looking giddy.

The doctor closed the door and walked over, pulling out a chair with wheels and her laptop. "Mrs. Nestor, what's your full name."

You took a breath. "My last name isn't Nestor. My name's (Full Name)."

The doctor smiled slightly. "Okay. How many months have you been pregnant?"

Ethan answered this one for you. "About 6 months."

The doctor typed that in. "And you're here for an ultrasound, right?" She looked up at you, and you nodded. "Then let's get one." She grinned at you and put the laptop away, turning off the lights. She grabbed the cart with the ultrasound on it and moved it closer.

"Mrs- sorry, Ms. (L/n), could you please lift your shirt?" You nodded and lifted your shirt, showing your bump.

Etha squeezed your hand. "You ready?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

The doctor spread a cold jelly on your stomach before turning on the TV and connecting the transducer to the screen. She nodded at you, and you nodded back.

She put the transducer on your stomach and moved it around until the unborn baby was shown on the screen. "There it is."

You felt tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You looked over at Ethan, who was staring at the screen, a wide grin on his face. He looked down at you, still smiling. "It's beautiful, just like you."

The tears fell down your face as you smiled at the love of your life.

"I can tell what the gender is. Would you like to know now, or wait until they're born."

Ethan answered for you. "Now, please. I don't think we can wait any longer."

The doctor smiled and moved the transducer a little bit.

"It's a boy."

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