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Your POV

"I... I don't know, Ethan. I mean, I'll be leaving my friends and my family."

Ethan grabbed your hand. "Here, how about this?" You tured towards him. "I only get to stay here for three more days. After that, I have to go back to LA. I'll give you until then to figure it out. Okay?" You nodded, and Ethan hugged you. "No pressure, okay?" You nodded and returned Ethan's hug.

Moments later, you both joined Mark and Amy in the theatre and watched the drama kids rehearse for the musical. Amy smiled at you, and Mark nodded towards Ethan. You returned Amy's smile, and Ethan nodded back at Mark.

A student onstage saw you and grinned. "Well, if it isn't the star of the show!" The rest of the students turned towards you and grinned, as well.

"Come on up here, (Y/n)! A girl yelled. The rest of the students encouraged you.

You smiled. "No, Colleen. I think I'll just watch."

The girl, Colleen, ran down the stage steps and hugged you. After a second, she pulled back and smiled towards Mark, Amy, and Ethan. "What do you say, guys? Wanna see (Y/n) on her home turf?"

They all nodded enthusiastically, and you giggled. "Okay, okay, I'll do it. What musical are you doing?"

Colleen grabbed your wrist and lead you onstage. "Teen Beach! Can you believe it- they turned it into a musical! We're doing Cruisin' for a Bruisin' right now. Do you know all the dance moves?" You nodded, and Colleen grinned. "Great! Do everything, okay?" You nodded again, and Colleen turned towards the back of the stage. "Come on, everyone! From the top!"

Ethan's POV

(Y/n) went onstage, and it was like she was instantly transformed. She was smiling and giggling by the time the music started.

They all started snapping, and (Y/n) started nodding to the beat.

You better run, run, run.
Here we come.
Revvin' our engines under the sun.
You're cruisin'....
For a bruisin'

They started dancing, and (Y/n) was lip syncing the words. The choreography was a little bad, and I could tell that all of this came from muscle memory. People pushed chairs onto the stage, and I was looking forward to the rest of the song.

Keepin' it cool.
Smooth and steady.
Slicked back hair,
Man things are gettin' heavy.
You're cruisin'...
For a bruisin'.

They all grabbed the chairs, and I was surprised about what happened next.

Two wheels, and an open road.
Wrapped in leather ready to go.

Some background dancers put leather jackets on the others, and the choreography picked up. They all stood on the chairs and continued singing and dancing.

Don't stop, stop the music.
We ride fast, like a bullet.
We do anything we want,
Any time we want.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
We just ride,
Ride all day,
We're not gonna live any other way.

(Y/n) quickly ran to the front of the stage, where other girls were sitting. Colleen smiled and started singing.

Bubble gum,
Cherry pop,
Go to the hop.
Hangin' with my brother,
Cuz' his friends are so hot
While they're cruisin'...
For some bruisin'

A guy jumped in from the side of the stage, wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, and ran up behind Colleen.

I went to the drive-in,
What did I see?
A hundred little Betties starin' at me!
I was cruisin'...
For some lovin'!

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