Serious Talks

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Mark's  POV

"It's a nice day to just sit outside and do nothing." Amy said, leaning back in the chair she was sitting in.

"Hey, we're doing something!" I exclaimed. "We're watching the cars drive by!"

She pushed her sunglasses up. "Whatever." She giggled.

A large, black truck pulled up to the curb and parked. Amy sat up in the chair. "Who's that?" I asked. The person got out of the truck and walked around the front.

I stood up when I saw who it was. "(Y/n)? Back already?"

She smiled at me and stuffed her keys in her shorts pocket. "Yeah, I decided not to stay for the funeral."

I nodded towards the truck. "Nice ride, but why black?"

"Midnight blue, get it right." She giggled at me. Her face grew serious. "Is Ethan inside?"

Amy nodded. "Should be, yeah. Something wrong?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "No, nothing's wrong." She bit her lip. "At least, not yet." She quickly walked inside.

Amy stared at me. "What?"

Ethan's POV

Someone tapped on my shoulder, making me stop my editing and take off my headphones. "Yes?" I asked, turning around. I instantly smiled, seeing (Y/n). "Hey! How was the first day?"

Her face was serious. "Ethan, can I talk to you for a moment?" She glanced at Kathryn and Tyler. "Alone?" I quickly stood up and followed her into the livestream room.

"Is something wrong?" I asked when she sat down on the couch.

She buried her face in her hands. "Okay, this may come out as a surprise to you, and I understand if you're not ready. It doesn't have to be now I just... want you to know."

I sat down next to her. "You can tell me anything, you know that. You don't have to be nervous."

She brought her head up and looked at me. "I don't want you to be mad at me after I tell you this, okay?"

I started becoming confused. "Why would I-"

She interrupted me mid-sentence, closing her eyes and balling her hands into fists. "I want a child."

My eyes widened in surprise. She opened one eye and looked at me. "I..." She opened the other eye. "...was not expecting that."

She stood up from the couch and turned so her back was facing me. "But you don't. I knew it was a mistake to bring it up." She choked on a sob. "God, why am I so stupid?"

I stood up next to her and rubbed her back. "You're not stupid, and you know that."

"Yes I am!" She exclaimed, turning to me. "I shouldn't've brought this up. I shouldn't've said anything. Why did I even mention this to you?!" Tears started falling down her face. She started going into a panic attack.

I grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at me. "(Y/n), listen to me. Iris is doing her job. She's messing with your brain. Fight back. Calm down. Breathe with me." I took deep breaths, hoping she would follow me.

Luckily, she did. Pretty soon, the tears stopped and she was breathing normally again. I sat her down on the couch, and I sat next to her. I pulled her down so her head was lying on my lap. She wiped away the tears on her face.

"Ethan?" She asked quietly, looking at me. I locked eyes with her. "I'm sorry for bringing that up. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."

I shook my head, smiling a little bit. "Don't apologize. You didn't make me uncomfortable. We need to talk about things like this." I paused for a little bit. "I'm... not opposed to the idea."

Her eyes brightened up. "Really?"

I chuckled. "Really. Whatever you want. But, uh..." I dropped my voice to a whisper. "Obviously not right now."

She giggled. "Right. Not right now. But eventually."

I nodded. "Right. Eventually."

She gasped. "I have an idea!" I looked at her. "Maybe we could just adopt first! You know, see what it'll be like before we actually have children."

I grinned. "That's a great idea!"

She sat up. "Oh, I know exactly who to adopt, too!" She turned to me. "Um... when you're ready, I mean."

I kissed her hair. "You mean, when we're ready."

She nodded. "When we're ready."

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