Yes or No?

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Your POV

After about 30 more minutes, you and Ethan left the doctor's office, the both of you grinning. Ethan helped you into the car and slid into the driver's seat.

You figited with the charm bracelet, something you do subconsciously.

Ethan glanced at you, smiling. "You still wear that?"

You blushed, nodding. "I never take it off. It's kinda turned into a good luck charm for me." You looked out the window, realizing that you weren't heading back to the apartment. "Hey, where are we going?"

"Hay is for horses." Ethan chuckled, and you joined him.

"Nowhere special." He said when your laughter died down. "I just thought that we should relax for a little bit."

You smiled. "Thanks, babe."

He took your left hand in his right. "No problem."

A couple minutes of comfortable silence later, Ethan pulled up in front of an all too familiar forest. You managed to get out without much of a problem, and Ethan held your hand through the path to the old park.

Something seemed different about this visit. Ethan seemed all too happy, leading you away from the park with a big grin on his face. You suddenly remembered what you've been called twice today.

"Hey, Ethan?" You asked him. He looked at you, not stopping. "Why did you write my name as (Y/n) Nestor?"

His grin somehow got wider. "No reason." He stopped abruptly. "Okay, close your eyes." You raised an eyebrow. "This isn't a trick, I promise." You smiled as you closed your eyes. You felt Ethan take both of your hands and pull on them slightly, silently telling you to walk forwards.

You followed him a couple feet until he stopped and let go of your hands. "Okay, open."

You slowly opened your eyes, and the first thing you noticed was the sunset. There were no trees around, leaving you and Ethan out in the open. You were standing on a small hill, and Ethan was in front of you, smiling.

"Ethan..." You started, but trailed off, your emotions getting the best of you. A tear fell down your face.

His smile grew wider. "(Y/n), I loved you ever since we met. You're so beautiful, and kind, and such a good person overall. You may not see that, but I do, and I appreciate it. I fell in love with you in so many little ways, and I was so hurt that someone else hurt you." You cried more, and Ethan wiped your tears away. "I want to be with you forever."

He smirked. "And you were asking why people called you Mrs. Nestor. Do you still want to know why?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I do."

He grinned. "Because I want you to be the one and only Mrs. Nestor." Your breath hitched as he knelt to the ground, pulling out a black box from his pocket. "(Y/n)... will you marry me?" He opened the box, showing you the ring inside.

You were sobbing at this point. "Ethan... I..."

You didn't give it much thought. "Yes, yes, 100 times yes!" Ethan quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around you (as best as he could) and kissed you passionately.

After a couple minutes, the two of you pulled away from each other and put your foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you." Ethan said, breaking the silence.

You smiled. "I love you, too." Ethan pecked your lips before pulling away and slipping the ring on your finger.

He raised your hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "For ever."

The two of you sat in each other's arms, watching the sun go down.

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